Chapter 11: Lose(2)

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"Young Miss, this way please"  A lot of guards pick up Lisa at the airport when she landed in Thailand. They took her things and formed a circle around her as they walk.

"Where's mom and dad? I thought they're the one who'll pick me up?" Lisa asked her mother's secretary, Minnie. They're childhood friends and really close to her family and her parents hired her as their secretary.

"Something happened, we'll bring you to them," Minnie said as she gave her friend a faint smile while they continue to walk.

Lisa just shrugged it off and check her phone. Jennie didn't respond to any of her messages which made her sad.

"Maybe she's really busy," Lisa said to herself as she composes a message to her girlfriend, telling her that she landed safe and she misses her a lot.

"She's here!"

"Lalisa is here!"

"Faster! Film her!"

Lisa look up when she heard her name. She was shocked to see a lot of reporters waiting for her at the entrance, they're now running towards them so the guards make sure that no one will get near Lisa while Minnie stayed behind her.

Lisa found it normal since their company is pretty famous and successful in the business world, especially in Thailand.

"What can you say about the news?"

"Are you running the company or will mourn after what happened?"

"Are you staying here for good?"

Are you attending Jennie Kim's wedding?"

"A lot of people is saying that you break up with her because you're going here to focus on the company, is that true?"

"Will you continue what your parent left to you?"

"What are you doing now that you don't have anyone beside you?"

"Will you mourn because of your parents or Jennie Kim?"

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows hearing their questions.

What are they saying?

"Please respect her privacy, we'll answer everything soon, give us way," Minnie said as they fasten their pace while the reporters are still throwing questions that Lisa didn't understand.

The guard opened the car for her and they immediately hop inside.

"What the hell are they talking about?" Lisa asked Minnie but the latter just smile at her and didn't say a word.

Lisa checked her phone to compose a message for her friends that she's safe and ask about Irene too. Jennie didn't respond, maybe she's still sleeping at this hour or already preparing for work. That's what Lisa thought.


@South Korea, Seoul, 10 AM

"You should really go now Kai, I let you stay here overnight but I swear... You should go" Jennie said while preparing herself for work.

She just knew that Lisa left when she arrived at their house with Kai and of course... BIG. BIG. BIG. Guilt ate her because she promised that she'll drop her off but she forgot. She also checks her phone but to her surprise, Lisa didn't call or message her.

Kai stayed overnight and sleep beside Jennie in her and Lisa's room. How gross is that?

She doesn't have any idea about the news because Kai won't let her watch anything.

"Why? Lisa's not here so what's the problem? Besides, we'll tell her soon too so what's worrying you?" Kai asked, sitting at the bed while leaning his back at the headboard and pretending to play with Jennie's phone but the truth is, he's deleting every call and message from Lisa.

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