Chapter 22: I'm going back to Korea

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Time flies so fast. It's been a month since they got officially together. Mr. Bae was so happy to hear the news. He welcomed Lisa to his family with wide wide open arms, he's really happy because he knew that his daughter is more than happy now. He also knew that he can trust Lisa and won't hurt Irene.

The couple spent the month strolling around the country. They didn't hold back their feelings this time because they're certain of it already and they both knew that they're sharing the same feelings.

They're still updating the gang about them but didn't tell them about their relationship because they want to say it in person and that time is now...

Irene and Lisa are now on their way to the airport with Jongkook as their driver and Kwangsoo driving the other car that's just behind them for their friends.

The gang finally has their vacation and will spend it in Thailand with Irene and Lisa.

"Are you okay?" Irene asked then placed her hand above Lisa's.

"Yeah, don't worry," Lisa said then smile at Irene before pulling her head and kissed her forehead to assure her.

"Your hands say it otherwise," Irene said then chuckle because she can feel how Lisa's hands are shaking.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous" Lisa confessed which made Irene chuckle again.

"We're just meeting our friends, don't be a scaredy-cat, Lisa," Irene said while rubbing Lisa's back to soothe her.

"Y-Yeah, you're right. I just can't help it"

"You think they'll get mad because we didn't tell them that we're together for a month now?" Irene asked.

"Kind of," Lisa said which made Irene laugh.

"Y-Yah! Don't laugh at me! I'm just really nervous" Lisa said then crossed her arms. She looks outside the window of the car and just lets Irene laugh.

"My baby is so cute" Irene hold both of Lisa's cheeks and make her face her.

"Don't be nervous Lisa, you know them... Maybe they'll feel hurt for keeping secret to them but it'll fade soon so relax okay?" Irene said while looking directly at Lisa's eyes.

"Okay," Lisa said while pouting.

"I love you," Irene said then smile tenderly. The kind of smile that Lisa's dying to see everyday and just like a snap, her nervousness vanished.

"I love you too," Lisa said while smiling widely this time. She put both of her hands beside Irene's waist then lift her up and sit her on her lap. Irene was surprised but didn't complain.

Lisa reached for the button of the car partition and pressed it while leaning in to claim Irene's lips. The latter doesn't have any complaints and just wrap her hands around Lisa's neck and reciprocates the kiss.

They're really an intimate couple if you may say. They did it multiple times already. Their first time is on the same day that they got together when they went home after announcing it to Irene's father.

Irene tap Lisa's back to tell her that they're at the airport already because she felt that the car stopped moving.

Lisa pulled back then lift Irene again to make her sit properly at the same time that Jongkook open the door for them. Lisa exited first them offer her hand to Irene which the latter happily took.

Jongkook closed the door and Lisa was about to walk when Irene held her hand and face her. She wiped something beside Lisa's lips then smile.

"Lipstick," she said then intertwine her hand at Lisa's before continuing to walk.

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