Chapter 5: Guilt and Jealousy

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"What are we doing here?" Jennie asked when Lisa stopped the car beside the hill where they could see the city lights and the city itself.

"I just... Want to breathe" Lisa said while looking at the full moon above the city.

Jennie looks at her worriedly and then reaches for her hand.

"I don't know anymore... I don't know what I'll do just to gain your parents' trust" Lisa said then heaved a sigh.

Jennie caresses her face and then makes her face her.

"I'm sorry baby," Jennie said. Her eyes shout different emotions for Lisa. Guilt, sadness, regrets, worries, and everything... You can name it.

"You don't have to say sorry, it's not your fault," Lisa said then holding Jennie's hand that was holding her face.

"Don't worry.. I'll stick to my promise baby. I'll wait until that day will come... I'll wait no matter how long it is just to gain their trust and blessings... I'll wait, baby... I promise" Lisa said then brought Jennie's hands to her lips.

Jennie just smiles faintly. She's really guilty that Lisa has to experience this just to gain her parents' trust and blessings even if they can marry each other already, it's just her... It's just really her that she doesn't want to marry Lisa until they have her parents' blessings. She loves her parents so much but she loves Lisa too.

"Baby... What if..." Jennie paused then looked outside.

"What?" Lisa asked.

"Just what if... You follow Dad's request to—"

"Jennie no. We talked about this already right?" Lisa looked outside too. She doesn't want where this conversation is going.

"Lisa look... What if he really meant what he said?" Jennie asked, holding Lisa's arm to gain her attention but Lisa was just looking outside.

"It's still a what if Jennie. You know he hates me so much that he will do everything just to ruin our relationship. He wants me to run our company because he wants me to be away from you and what?" Lisa looked at her. "He will let Kai be with you until you fall for him?"

"Lisa, what are you saying? Do you really think that it will happen?" Jennie asked in disbelief, crossing her arms and leaning her back at the door.

"That's what will really happen if I run our company," Lisa said firmly.

"Don't you trust me, Lisa?"

"Of course I do! But it's him that I don't!" Lisa said and irritation was evident in her voice.

"Look... If I enter our company... There's no turning back anymore. It's hard to exit there anymore Jennie and I don't want to risk our relationship just because your father gave you false hopes" Lisa said while intensely looking at Jennie.

"What if he meant what he said? Don't you want to try?" Jennie asked. Trying her best not to get along with Lisa's mood.

Lisa looked outside and then tightened her grip on the steering wheel. Of course, she wants but there's something inside her that wants to stay with Jennie because they don't have any assurance that Mr. Kim's words are true and he'll fulfill that especially now that Kai is here... She doesn't want to leave Jennie with him.

"I'm not saying that I want you to be away Lisa... That's too much torture for me too but what if it's the only way for them to accept us? Accept our relationship? Don't you want that to happen?" Jennie asked, softly squeezing Lisa's arm while waiting for her to answer. The latter sighs and then looks down.

"Okay," Lisa said which made Jennie smile. She pulled Lisa's nape to capture her lips, telling her that she was proud and thankful.

"This will be hard for us but we'll both face everything. We will survive over this baby... Just don't lose hope. It's just the start but whatever happens, we'll face everything hand in hand okay? We can do it if we're together even if it has to be you and me against the world" Jennie said while leaning her forehead against Lisa's.

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