Chapter 20: Not so normal day

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"Rise and shine!"

"Unnie! Wake up!"

Irene groan when she heard her friends' voices and footsteps inside her room. She knew they're here to ruin her sleep again but hello? She loves waking up with her friends.

"You guys should remember that she's sick and needs a lot of rest right?" Wendy scolded them again but they all knew that it's not that serious, she's just reminding them.

"Oh come on, it's already 8 AM and we wake up at 7 AM. I waited one hour before waking her up" Yeri defended herself.

"Food's here!" That's Jisoo and Rosé's voice. As usual, the food is delivered to Irene's room because they're going to eat there.

Irene smile before opening her eyes and saw her friends.

"Good morning," she said that made her friends look at her and greeted her back with a wide smile.

They started preparing the food as Irene scan around her room using her eyes to look for some particular person she wanted to see to complete her morning.

"Looking for someone?" Seulgi asked her with a teasing smirk that made the others look at her too.

"Good morning people!" That's it. That's the greetings she wanted to hear.

Lisa barge inside the room with a wide smile on her lips. Her friends greeted her back before she continued her way towards the smiling girl sitting at the bed while waiting for her.

"Good morning" Lisa greeted sweetly that made Irene smile wider than earlier if that's even possible.

"Good morning" she greeted back and she was caught off guard when Lisa suddenly placed a sweet and gentle kiss on her forehead then look at her before showing three beautiful violet flowers between them.

"That's fresh from your garden outside and don't worry... I asked for permission from uncle" Lisa said that made Irene chuckle and took the flower before smelling its scent. Smile never leaving her lips.

"Thank you," she said, almost a whisper.

"It's too early to flirt, come on, let's eat before you two will eat each other in front of us" Joy bluntly said that made them laugh.

They all settled themselves and started to eat while still chatting about random stuff.

"Let me do it," Lisa said when Irene was about to grab a plate and spoon.

Lisa took a spoonful of fried rice and bacon then feed Irene which made the latter's heart skip a beat for a while. She can't believe that it's really happening.

She can't help but to stare at Lisa while she's attentively feeding her and using the same spoon to feed herself. Lisa's laughing and responding to her friends' questions and stories but she's still focusing on Irene.

While eating... Irene feels so full and happy. Her heart is almost exploding in so much happiness and a lot of emotions she's happy to feel.

"Tomorrow, we'll fly back to Korea to attend some important gathering," Wendy said, pertaining to Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri.

"Rosé and I too" Jisoo added then put the food inside her mouth.

"You'll stay here unnie? I guess?" Seulgi asked Irene.

Irene looks at Lisa first and thinks for a moment.

"I think so... If Lisa's going to stay here? I don't know" Irene said unsurely while looking at Lisa who's looking at her too.

"I'll stay here. I... Don't have anything in Korea anymore and Thailand is the only thing I have" Lisa said when she looked away from Irene's intense stare.

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