Chapter 26: Is Hyunlis safe now?

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New York~

"Dad" Kai said when Mr. Kim entered his office.

"What brings you here?" Kai asked and signaled Mr. Kim to sit.

"I need to talk to you about something"

"Is it about Jennie? Do you want me to search for her?" Kai asked.

"No, no, no. It's not about that thing. She left so no need to chase her. I don't need an embarrassment and headache anymore, let her live her own life, besides... I already have my son that'll take care of my company, I know that you'll fulfill all of my expectations about you, right?" Mr. Kim said while smiling widely as he knew that he choose the right decision.

"Of course Dad. I'll fulfill everything that your daughter can't give" Kai answered proudly.

"Yes, I know you're the right choice" Mr. Kim patted his shoulder.

"By the way, what important thing do you want to talk about?" Kai asked again.

"Oh yes. I'm here to talk about the company, since we're already growing, we need a foundation to keep it standing"

"What do you mean?"

"The Bae's company is still on top and merging with them will be a big help. If many people find out that we're Bae's partners, our stock will surely rise" Mr. Kim explained and Kai is now getting it.

"Since we're always traveling because of business trips and meetings, I want you to make a proposal and start to merge with Bae Airlines. For sure we'll get VIP access if you get it and they'll add standees and billboards of our company inside and outside their airports that'll raise our popularity, that's a big help to get stockholders"

"Sure dad, I'll work on it don't worry"

"I'm looking forward to it Kai, don't disappoint me"

"Of course dad but one more thing..." Kai paused.

"What is it?" Mr. Kim asked.

"What if Lisa is under their care? After what happened between her and Jennie, don't you think they don't want to communicate with us anymore?" Kai asked.

"I don't think so. Remember the last update we have? She's suffering and in so much pain, I know her, she's head over heels for Jennie, and for sure she didn't take the surgery because of that stupid feeling she has. I'm sure she's dead by now and rotting in hell" Mr. Kim said while grinning.

"What about Mr. Bae's daughter? She's her friend and for sure she heard about what happened. I also heard that she's now starting to run their company step by step" Kai said.

"Use your charms, Kai. You know? A little flirting won't hurt and if ever she fall for your game, that's also a big help for us"

"Then what about Jennie? If Lisa's dead by now, she doesn't have any choice to survive but to take the surgery, do you think she'll take it?"

"I don't care about her anymore. She's no longer my daughter after she left" Mr. Kim scoffs then stands up.

"I'll wait for your proposal Kai, I'll go now," he said and Kai just nods his head.

After Mr. Kim exited the office, Kai received a call, and just by seeing the caller ID, his face automatically lighten up.

"Hi babe" he greeted while smiling widely.

"Hi, how's work? Can I visit you at your office? I miss you" Krystal said that made Kai chuckle.

"Not now, Dad's maybe still here and I don't want him to know about our relationship. He might cut everything I have. I still need him and his company to give you the life you deserve babe, just wait for me there" Kai answered.

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