Chapter 25: Small Hyunlis

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"Baby? What's wrong?" Irene asked worriedly when she and Lisa entered their room. They just finished their dinner with the gang and she really noticed how quiet her girlfriend is.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Lisa asked when she walks towards their walk-in closet to get her pjs.

"You seem off. You're spacing out and very quiet since earlier, is there something bothering you?" Irene asked then sat at the bed while looking at Lisa.

"Nothing baby, I'm just tired" Lisa walk towards her then kissed her forehead before heading towards the bathroom.

Irene just sigh then waited for Lisa, she knew something is bothering her girlfriend but she choose to just let her talk about it by herself and not to push her.

Minutes had passed, Lisa went out of the bathroom and Irene entered it. Lisa's still bothered about what happened in Korea, her mind was occupied by the woman who seems like know her since before. She also knew Seulgi, Jisoo, and Wendy... Who's that woman, really?

Irene exited the bathroom and sat in front of her desk where every cosmetics and accessory she has is neatly placed in front of a mirror. She started drying her hair using the hair blower when a hand stops her from doing it. She looks at the reflection and saw Lisa standing behind her.

"Let me do it," Lisa said then gave Irene a warm smile that can easily melt the latter's heart. She let Lisa dry her hair while she's just watching her at the reflection. She still can't believe that she's her girlfriend now. Her heart is always jumping in happiness whenever Lisa will do even the simplest thing she's doing for her just like now.

When Lisa is done, she turned off the blower and placed it at the table in front of Irene then grabbed the comb and started combing the latter's hair. She's really focused on what she's doing but Irene can't erase the fact that Lisa is bothered by something, she can see it through her eyes.

"Done," Lisa said then placed a kiss on her head. She placed her chin just above Irene's head then look at her in the mirror.

"Have I ever told you that you're beautiful? My Joohyun?" Lisa asked while looking lovingly at Irene.

The latter smile then reached for Lisa's face to caress it despite their position.

"Yes, you're not just saying it, my love, you're also making me feel that way just by looking at me. Your eyes say it all and that belongs to the things that I love about you" Irene replied with her warm and sincere smile just like Lisa's.

"Good, because you're really beautiful," Lisa said which made Irene smile even more.

"Come here" Lisa hold her hand and reach for the other one to help her stand up.

Lisa put Irene's hands around her neck and wrapped her own at the latter's waist. She swayed slowly like they're dancing to some music that can be heard in their own world only.

"I really love you Joohyun and I promise to do everything just to make you happy, I want to see your smile and hear your laugh everyday. Your happiness is my top priority and I'll always put you first before anything else" Lisa said sincerely while looking lovingly at Irene's eyes who became teary because of her words.

Lisa is really sweet and that's one of the reasons why she fell hard for her.

"I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad, carry you around when your arthritis is bad, all I wanna do, is grow old with you~" Lisa suddenly sang that made Irene chuckle but can't stop the wild butterflies that are now flying inside her stomach.

"Isn't it nice to stay like this until we grow old? I want to grow old with you my Joohyun, I want to see everything with you, I want to try everything with you and I want to face everything with you. I'll stay no matter what happened and I promise to never leave your side" Lisa said as she continued to sway their body and continue to sing as well.

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