Chapter 27: She left

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The morning came, Jisoo woke up with Rosé beside her. She prepares herself before waking Rosé up and told her to prepare too.

This is the day where they'll bring Jennie to the hospital and take the surgery. She's excited to bring her back to the gang and everything will be fine again.

She leaves Rosé to their room and walks towards Jennie's to wake her up as well. She knocks three times and called Jennie but the latter isn't responding so she decided to just walk inside.

To her surprise, there's no Jennie at the bed. She checks the bathroom but none. Jisoo walks downstairs, hoping to find Jennie in the kitchen, garden, or living room but none. Her heart beats faster than earlier. She walks upstairs again while dialing Jennie's number but it's out of reach. She enters Jennie's room and checks the drawers and closets.




"Miss Bae, delivery" Irene's secretary said then placed a bouquet above her table.

A smile was automatically drawn on her face because she knew that it's from Lisa but she can't erase the disappointment deep inside her because the bouquet is pink. Lisa knew that she doesn't like pink and much prefer purple.

She checks the small card at the bouquet that brings a frown to her face.

-I hope you have a good day-


"Who's this K?" She asked herself then put the bouquet just beside her table and continue her work.

Hours had passed, her bodyguard, Haha told her that Kwangsoo and Jongkook arrived with Lisa. The two bodyguards were assigned to Lisa as what Mr. Bae said because he knew that they're honest, well-skilled, and really worth it while he assigned his own bodyguards to his daughter Irene.

The latter look outside the window and saw that it's already dark, indicating that it's already evening. She didn't notice the time because of so many works that greet her when she enters her office.

She grabs her coat and walks outside her office with her bodyguard just behind her. When they reached the ground floor, she saw the car that's waiting for her. Kwangsoo opened the back door for her and guided her to hop in before running towards the driver's seat. Jongkook is already at the passenger's while the other bodyguards are in another car behind them.

Irene smile when she saw Lisa sleeping while leaning her head at the window.

"You must be really tired," Irene said while smiling warmly. She pulled Lisa's head to lay at her shoulder to be comfortable. She doesn't want Lisa to bump her head while they're on their way home.

Minutes had passed, they arrived at Bae's mansion. Irene tap Lisa's cheek to wake her up while calling her name softly.

"We're home, come on. Continue your sleep inside" Irene said when Lisa sat properly and walk outside first to offer her hand to Irene. The latter just smile at her gesture, despite the tiredness and sleepy state, she still didn't forget to be a girlfriend to her.

They walk inside with Lisa's arm around Irene's waist. They saw the gang preparing the dinner and told them that they'll just change.

After changing clothes, Lisa and Irene joined the gang to eat. They happily tell the couple about their day, just roaming around and spending the day outside. They really need a vacation and of course, they deserve it.

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