Chapter 21: Jennie's P.O.V.

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Jennie's P.O.V. (Surprise)

I knew it. He's cheating on me. He's having an affair with his secretary Krystal.

I visited him at his office this morning and guess what? I saw him having a steamy make out with Krystal on his swivel chair.

Of course... Not wanting to interrupt them, I just run away and get back here in our penthouse.

The moment I step inside, I fell on my knees and cried out loud.

I'm not crying because I found out that he's cheating on me and I'm hurt about it but I cried because I realized that everything I chose is wrong.

I'm wrong.

I let go of the only person who truly loves me. Who believe in me. Who treasures me the most and who makes me feel that I deserve everything in the world just to pursue my fantasy to live with a perfect family. A relationship that my father allows. A relationship where everyone sees perfect. A relationship where no one will be against us...

I'm wrong and I knew I fuck up a lot.

I let go of Lisa... Oh dear just by thinking about her my heart is already crashing into pieces. I'm regretting everything... What did I do?! I'm stupid! I'm a coward! I'm an idiot! I'm... I'm hopeless.

"I'm sorry Lisa... I'm sorry... I'm really really sorry... " I continued to mumble while still kneeling and crying on the floor.

I left her on our own journey when I'm the one who told her that I won't leave her alone no matter what happened. I surrender in our own fight where I'm the one who told her that we'll face everything even if it has to be she and I against the world.

I broke my promises and leave her.

I fell out of love with her because I was blinded by my own dreams not knowing that I'm already messing up.

I realized it late... I just noticed that she's really the one whom I'm seeing myself getting married to.

I belong to her...

I'm sorry Lisa...

I'm sorry baby...

"Jennie? What happened to you?"

I turn around just to see my father who looks very worried seeing me in this state. I run towards him and hug him tight which he quickly reciprocated.

"D-Dad..." I sobbed.

"Kai is having an affair... He's cheating on me" I said while burying my face in his chest.

"W-What?!" He gently pushed me just to look at me with a surprising look.

"I saw him making out with his secretary this morning at his office... He's cheating dad..." I said while looking at him as my tears continued to pour.

"What's happening here? Dad? Jennie" Kai suddenly barged inside the room and saw us.

I wiped my tears and look at him.

"Let's end this Kai. I know you don't love me and that you're having an affair with your secretary. Let's stop this before we went to something serious" I firmly said and I saw how he looked surprised.

"W-What are you saying?" He tried to act innocent while looking at me and Dad.

"Don't you dare deny it because I saw it with my own two eyes" I coldly said.

"Let's talk about this—"

"No! Don't come near me and I don't want to talk about it. It's fine, you can be with her if you want, it's fine" I said as I wipe my tears.

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