Chapter 10: Multiple news

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Jennie continued being distant and cold with Lisa, of course, the latter was so sad about it. She's crying everynight and every morning when she's waking up without Jennie. Without texts, calls notes, or anything... They don't have simple talks even a 'hi' or 'hello'.

Lisa didn't hang out with Irene again because she knew that Jennie will be mad but that's fine with Irene because she knew Lisa's situation. The latter is just letting Jennie do what she wants and take her so-called space, hoping that they will be okay soon and will go back to their old relationship not knowing that Jennie is drowning with her father and secretary's sugar-coated words and promises.

Rosé and Jisoo... Being guilty for their friend because they can't do anything but to comfort Lisa every time she cries is always calling and hanging out with the latter to ask her how is she and Lisa is so thankful for that because she can talk to someone about her problem.

Seulgi, Yeri, Wendy, and Joy is hanging out with her a lot too because they knew that Lisa will leave soon and they also knew about the so-called space of her and Jennie that made them more hands-on with her.

Irene's squad doesn't ask about their problem because that's their relationship but of course... Being a friend, they're comforting and always advising the both of them if they have time.

"Sorry, we can't drop you off. Something came up to the company" Seulgi said. They're facetiming now because today is Lisa's flight and Irene's squad can't come telling her that they're busy which is a lie... The truth is... They will be there for Irene because today is also the day of her operation.

"We'll visit you if we have time Lis!" Yeri said.

"Take care and eat well. You look like a walking stick" -Wendy

"I'll miss you Manoban!" -Joy

Lisa chuckle. It looks like they won't see each other again.

"Don't worry, I'll visit if I'm not busy and you guys, promise me to take care of yourselves too... Especially you Joohyun. I'm sorry that I can't be there for you" Lisa said, frowning.

"Don't worry about that Lis. I understand" Irene answered while smiling faintly. She wanted to cry because today is the last day that she knew Lisa and her feelings for her because once she opens her eyes after the operation... She won't recognize the woman again.

Irene and her friends are at the latter's house while using their phones to facetime with Lisa but of course... They make sure that the Thai won't notice it. Wendy is in the living room. Seulgi in the kitchen. Yeri on the garden. Joy is at the back of the house while Irene is in her own room.

"Take care there okay? Don't be so stubborn. Sleep at time, eat at time, and don't stress yourself too much. You're too clumsy and accident magnet so be careful with everything and anything okay?" Irene said.

"Yes mom," Lisa said then laugh with the other four.

"Yah! I'm serious!" Irene said then pouted.

"I know but it's really funny," Lisa said between her laugh. When her laughter dies... She looks at Irene on the screen as her eyes soften.

"Thank you guys," she said then sighed that made the five groan.

"Yah! You're the one who sounds like it's our last day seeing each other again now!" Wendy complain.

"Sorry. I will just really miss you all" Lisa said then chuckle.

They went silent for a minute when Yeri broke it.

"You should go now before we stop your flight" and they all laugh because they will really do that if they felt that they will really miss Lisa than what they're feeling right now.

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