Chapter 12: Over

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How funny isn't it?

Lisa arrived in Seoul the same time the gang arrived in Thailand. Lisa immediately went to their house while still contacting Jennie but the latter is not answering. Of course... Her phone is on Kai.

The gang is contacting Lisa before they leave but Lisa is not answering.

Lisa saw an unfamiliar car outside their house. Some guards that's carrying things coming in and out of the house that made her confused.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Lisa asked them but they didn't answer and just continue carrying things to put inside the car.

Lisa run inside the house.

"Jennie?!" She shouted then check the kitchen, bathroom, living room, the garden then runs towards their room... There. She saw Jennie packing her clothes.

"Jennie... Jennie, what is this? What are you doing?" She asked when she holds Jennie's wrist to stop her.

Jennie flinched then look at Lisa.

"Why are you packing up? Are we leaving? Oh yes... You're following me in Thailand, right? I knew it! You missed me" Lisa said while chuckling bitterly.

"Lisa I'm—"

"I'm worried about you since last day, you're not answering my calls and not replying to my messages, I thought there's something happened to you," Lisa said. Her hands are shaking because of the thoughts that are running through her mind and Jennie's cold stare didn't help at all.

"Lisa listen to me—"

"Should I pack up too? Where are we moving to? You should call me so that I can help or... Or I can send someone to help you... We can... We can live at my parent's house if that's okay with you?" Lisa said. She's fighting her tears that wanted to fall. She's tense and really nervous.

She runs her hands through her hair then looks around.

"Are we going to leave our things here? How about the frames? Oh yes... We'll just buy new furniture there" Lisa said while roaming her eyes around the room.

"Lisa" Jennie called her again but Lisa's not looking at her. She wanted to cry honestly but just fighting herself to do so.

"Why aren't you answering? let's just go to Thailand together okay? You don't have to go there alone just to surprise me" Lisa said, her voice is almost cracking. Her lips are trembling because of the sobs that wanted to escape.

Jennie stands up then holds both of Lisa's shoulders to make her face her which just added to Lisa's nervousness.

"I'm tired," Jennie said.

"I-Is that so? You can rest in the meantime... Come on, I'll prepare you milk and then I'll wait for you so that we can leave already" Lisa tried all her best not to stutter.

"I'm tired of us. I'm tired of our relationship. I'm tired Lisa" Jennie said plainly while directly looking at Lisa's eyes.

"Y-Yeah... I know that. That's why we're on break right? That's why you asked for a space" Lisa said and tried to smile but failed. Her lips are really trembling.

"Lisa I'm tired... I want this to stop. I'm tired of waiting for us to reach our dream. I'm tired, Lisa. Let's stop this..." Jennie said then put her hands down.

"D-Don't say t-that... You're just tired... Y-You can rest Jennie... I... I can wait" Lisa said. Tears are now flowing through her cheeks.

Jennie shakes her head.

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