Chapter 19: Let's wait

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"Wow. It actually works" Joy said in amazement.

"That's amazing... It's like magic!" Yeri said excitedly.

"Quiet, you two... Please continue Lisa" Wendy said as they all focused on her again.

Lisa is now feeling awkward and uneasy because of her friends' questions and reactions.

"Her name?" Jisoo asked.

"I... I don't know but... But I know that I did cry for her, suffer and waste everything just for her... Wait... Is she even a girl? Because as far as I remember, her father which is Mr. Kim is against us because he's so homophobic and strict so yeah... I think she's a she?" Lisa said while trying to remember everything she can.

"Yes, yes, you're right," Seulgi said while looking intently at Lisa, waiting for her next words.

"And uhm... " Lisa looked at her friends who are attentively listening to her. It's kinda creepy but yeah... She needs to answer their questions.

"I can't really remember anything about her. Her name, her face, her features, her personality... Our memories together... I can't even remember if she's with us in our school days like what you've told me. All I can remember is her father who's really against us and Kai... Uhm Kai... What's his connection with me again? Why are we not on good terms? Why are we always fighting back in our high school days? Why did I punch him when I saw him at Kim's company... Oh! Wait... Why did I go to Kim's company that day? Ugh... This is giving me a headache" Lisa said then massage her temple.

"Stop it guys. You're giving her a hard time" Irene suddenly butted in. They're at her room because they decided to stay there 'cause Irene can't walk away from her machines that is the only thing that's keeping her alive. It's their routine every day... They're eating, watching TV, and chatting here for Irene to not be left behind by the gang.

"You're no fun. It's just really new to us, that's why we're excited to know" Yeri whines like a kid.

"It's just really amazing unnie... Aish" Joy added.

"But she already told you guys... She can't remember her, now, please... Let her rest because she's just out from the hospital today" Irene said firmly.

The gang groaned but still stands and prepared to leave the room. Rosé guided Lisa to her room for her to rest.

If you're thinking that she already took the surgery... Well... You're wrong, she got amnesia...


Yes, she took the surgery three weeks from now then she stayed at the hospital for the rest of the days to rest and recover, and now she's already here.

Jisoo and Rosé are the ones who pick her up and when they arrived, the gang bombarded her with questions like... Did she forget about her ex already and anything about that?

The thing here is...

She can't remember anything about Jennie but she knew that they have a house, she suffers because of her, she wasted money and the company for her, she knew Mr. Kim and Kai but not Jennie. She knew that she's always buying bouquets of white roses and going to Kim's company but she can't remember why.

It's really complicated but the important is... She can't remember Jennie anymore.

The moment when the roots and flowers were already removed from her heart and lungs... Irene's condition became better... It's not that Lisa is already reciprocating the feelings but it's because Irene's pain is now lessened because Lisa can't remember Jennie now.

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