Chapter 30: Where's Lisa?

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Irene woke up alone. She thought Lisa just went out for a jog like she usually does so she just shrug it away.

She did her morning routine before walking downstairs and saw her friends eating in the dining room. They greet her good morning and she just returns it with a smile.

She took her seat and started eating as well after making herself a coffee.

"Where's Lisa?" Rosé asked Irene.

"Maybe she went out for a jog" Irene answered, unbothered.

"This late?" Rosé asked again that made Irene look at her.

"What do you mean?" Irene asked her.

"Unnie, it's 10 am" Joy answered.

Irene's heart suddenly beats so fast that almost made her deaf because of its sound inside her. She immediately dialed Lisa's number but it's out of reach. With trembling hands, she stands up and went inside their room to check her clothes if it's still there.

"Unnie what's happening?" The squad follows her upstairs.

Irene sigh in relief when she found Lisa's stuffs complete and still perfectly arranged in its own places.

She dialed Kwangsoo's number while pacing back and forth.

"Unnie, she maybe buys something outside, why are you freaking out?" Wendy asked, watching her friend walking around the room with her phone beside her ear.

"Did you saw Lisa? Did you saw her go out earlier?" Irene asked Kwangsoo when he answered the call, not minding answering her friends' questions.

"Yes ma'am. But she told us not to follow because she won't take too long" Kwangsoo answered.

"That's bullshit! It's already ten! Your job is to keep an eye on her! What if something happened to her outside?!" Irene snaps which made her friends to flinch in surprise.

"Find her and don't come back without her!" Irene yelled in so much frustration then ended the call.

"Unnie calms down," Yeri said as they approached her and make her sit at the bed.

"Why are you freaking out? It's not the first time she went out" Jisoo asked.

Irene didn't answer and just bury her face with her own palms when her tears started to fall.

"Unnie, tell us what's happening," Seulgi said.

"Last night, she was so sweet, telling me how much she loves me and all, I know there's something wrong because she sounds saying goodbye... I'm scared... What if she leaves me?" Irene said between her sobs.

She's really scared that Lisa might really leave her. She can't live without her. She's her everything. She's her life.

"Shit. I knew it, she really looks so off last night after hearing Jennie's statements yesterday" Rosé exclaimed that made them look at her.

"She may be feel bad and guilty because we hate Jennie because of her. She knew that Jennie's dying... I just hope that she won't do something stupid" Rosé said that made Irene cry even more and Yeri and Wendy keeps on rubbing her back to make her calm even if they knew that it's no use.

Jisoo picks up her phone from her pocket then dials her cousin's number. It takes too long before Jennie answered the call.

"Jennie where are—" Jisoo didn't finish her sentence when the person on the other line cut her off.

"I'm sorry she's not here, she left her phone. I'm Sowon, Jennie's friend, who's this?"

"I'm Jisoo, her cousin. Where's Jennie?" Jisoo asked. Her friends' now looking at her and waiting.

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