Chapter 31: Lessons

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With a heavy heart and trembling hands, Irene run towards the park where Jennie told her to go.

It's so dark in there and she's starting to get nervous but because her friends are just behind her and following her every step, she knew she's safe.

"Jennie?" She called when she saw a figure of a woman standing at the center of the park with its back, facing her.

"Jennie!" She called then walk towards the path where it'll lead her to Jennie.

She made cautious steps towards her at the center, the only light that was giving them is the bright moon above.

"Unnie," Jennie uttered then turn around to face her.

"W-where's Lisa? Why do you want to meet me at this hour and this place? It's too dark in here. Where did you and Lisa go? Where's she? She should be here." Irene bombarded her with questions. She's really nervous and scared of what's going to happen next. She knew deep down that Jennie's going to say something that will leave her in shock.

Instead of answering one by one, Jennie smiled at her apologetically.

"Lisa and I..." Jennie started which made Irene's heart to pound inside her chest.

A lone tear escaped her eyes while waiting for Jennie to continue knowing that it'll hurt her. She's now crushing into pieces just by thinking about it, what more if she finds out that what's running inside her head is true?

"We're getting married."


"We were so in love with each other. She was mine. 'Were' and 'was'. I know, it's all in the past just as I am. I'm her past and will now stay like that. You're her present and I'd love to see her happy even if it's not because of me." Jennie said as her tears started to fall but never remove the warm smile that she's giving Irene.

The squad stays behind Irene and just like the latter, they're confused and shock at what they're hearing from Jennie.

"Unnie I'm really really sorry," Jennie said as she reaches for Irene's hand. "I know it's all my fault. I let her go, I became stupid and I really fvcked up a lot, like... A lot. And now... Yeah, I'm regretting everything. I shouldn't have let her go if only I realized earlier that I can't live without her. I'm really stupid to throw a treasure away and now that she's yours... I'm pushing myself to her. I'm sorry." Jennie looks down as she shut her eyes closed and tried to continue everything that she wants to say but her sobs came first as she open her mouth again.

Irene looks at her even if she wants to hug her and just let Jennie continue what she wants to say. She knew that the latter has a lot to say to her.

"Unnie I'm so stupid." Jennie mumble while still holding Irene's hand and looking down.

"If only I can turn back the time, I would. But it's way too late and impossible and right now, I'm dying in regret and guilt. I shouldn't have left her to the time where her parents died, where she needed me the most. If only I didn't get blind by my dreams, maybe we're now married and planning to have kids but I'm so stupid! I'm really stupid!" Jennie said with all sincerity and sadness and that's enough for Irene to pull her to a tight and comforting hug.

"It's not yet late Jennie, you can still make it right and we can start all over again, just take the surgery and everything will be fine." Irene said softly while running her hand at Jennie's hair.

Irene felt Jennie shake her head against her neck.

"No unnie, I'm late. I'm really really late. I love her so much and I'm way too late realizing it. There's no way that I'll take the surgery and forget her. I still want to love her even from a distance, if she's happy with you then I'll be happy for the both of you too." Jennie said as she pulled back from the hug and held both of Irene's hands then look at her with teary eyes.

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