Chapter 7: Rest

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Lisa's P.O.V.

11:25 PM

"How's your day?" I asked Jennie while we're walking towards my car.

"I-It's fine h-how about you?"

It's weird. Is it just me or she really is uneasy? She seems tense.

"Baby, are you fine?" I asked as I place my hand against her forehead but the weirdest thing is... She got startled as soon as I touch her skin that made me withdraw my hands again.

"What's the problem? Did something happened?" I asked worriedly. She immediately looks up at me like she's surprised at my question. What's wrong?

"W-What are you saying? Are you accusing me that I did something?" She sounds annoyed and I got surprised by her sudden outburst.

"W-What? No. Of course not. I'm just worried because you seem tense and uneasy. Tell me, baby..." I hold her hand then look at her. Her hands are so cold and shaking... I'm really worried.

"Tell me if something bad happened to you. You know you can tell me everything right? Did someone hurt you? Come on... Don't be scared" I said while looking softly at her. I'm really worried because of her actions. I just hope that there's really nothing wrong.

"N-Nothing, I'm just... I'm just tired" she said without looking at me.

I sighed then pulled her closer to me. I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead hoping that she'll feel at ease.

"If something's wrong, you can tell me, okay?" I said then opened the car for her. She quickly went inside as well as me.

She's really uncomfortable, I can see that because she keeps on moving at her seat while fidgeting her fingers. I hold her hand which made her flinched.

"Are you really fine? I'm worried baby..." I said while looking at her with soft eyes.

"Let's just go home. I'm tired, Lisa... I swear, I'm fine" she said which made me sighed.

If I forced her to tell me, I know it will just lead to another fight which I'm avoiding so after buckling her seatbelt, I started driving.

The whole ride is silent. I keep on looking at her from time to time but she's just looking outside and seems to drown in her deep thoughts.

When I parked the car in our garage, she immediately walked inside the house without waiting for me to open the car for her. She just walks without even saying anything or looking at me.

I know there's really something up.

When I entered the house and locked everything, I went inside our room just to find her in her pajamas and was preparing for bed already.

I freshen up too and when I exited the bathroom, I saw her lying on the bed while turning her back on me. I lay beside her then wrapped my hands around her waist, I felt that she flinched.

"Goodnight baby" I whispered then kissed the top of her head before closing my eyes.


Lisa woke up without Jennie beside her. She checked her phone but there's no messages or calls from the latter which she finds odd.

Jennie never leaves without saying anything to her or leaving notes, texts, or trying to call her.

Or when she's waking up without Jennie, her clothes are already prepared for work as well as the breakfast but today... It's different because there's none.

Lisa just sighed and think that Jennie is just tired of work. She texts her like she always does, she told her to eat her lunch, not to stress herself too much, to be careful, and that she loves her very much before she prepares for work as well.

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