Chapter 8: I'm hurt

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That night, Lisa went inside their room at almost 2 AM in the morning because she let herself cry everything first before she faces Jennie again.

She saw Jennie already sleeping as she felt a pang on her chest once again. Jennie can sleep knowing that they're not on good terms makes her think that it's just that easy for Jennie but decided to just understand her 'cause she's really blaming herself and Jennie's tired too.

After freshening up, she changed her clothes to a comfortable one and lay beside Jennie. She wrapped her arms around the latter then kissed the top of her head and quickly close her eyes when a tear escaped again.

What happened? It looks like yesterday that they're still okay, happy, loving, and understanding each other... Fighting for their relationship and fixing everything that can be fixed as soon as possible but what happened now?

"I love you, Jennie. It's just a break, I trust you. I know we'll be okay soon. I love you, Jennie... I really really love you" Lisa said then turned off the light before she dozed off to sleep.


"What are you doing here?" Jennie coldly asked when Lisa visited her in her office.

"Visiting my girlfriend? I finished my work really early and decided to just visit you" Lisa said while smiling widely, still trying to fight back the tears that wanted to fall since she opens her eyes this morning and didn't saw any sign of Jennie.

"Have you eat? We can order food or do you want us to go out?" Lisa asked with full of hope in her eyes while Jennie is just looking at her plainly.

"Jennie I— oh sorry" they both turn their heads to the door, revealing Kai who's about to enter but stop when he saw Lisa.

The latter furrowed her eyebrow hearing Kai's cheerful greet to Jennie, he even called her by her name... Isn't he, her secretary?

"What did you just call her? You should respect your boss Mr. Jongin, you guys aren't friends" Lisa said, really annoyed.

"I'm sorry" Kai bowed his head.

"Go out for a while," Jennie said to Kai which the latter quickly obligated.

"You let him call you by your name? Are you friends with him now?" Lisa asked when she looks at Jennie who seems unbothered by the scene.

"It's not your business anymore Lisa, why are you here in the first place?" Jennie asked, not looking at Lisa and just fixing the papers on her table.

Lisa's hurt like she was told not to visit Jennie.

"You should just go out with Irene unnie like you always do when you finished your work," Jennie said, now walking to her drawer to put some papers there.

"But I want to spend time with you. Six days from now I'll be leaving Jennie, aren't you sad about that? We should hang out and savor the moment while I'm still here" Lisa said,  sounds like begging but not moving in her place and just watching Jennie doing her stuff.

Jennie put on her coat then look at Lisa blankly.

"We talked about this last night Lisa, have you forget about what we've talked about?" Jennie asked.

"But Jennie I—" Lisa tried to approach her but Jennie put her hands in front of Lisa to make her stop.

"I said we need a rest, Lisa... We need to take a break, what's with that idea that you can't understand?"

"Your reasons Jen! I can't understand. I can't understand you... We're tired yes. You're tired? Fine, I'll let you rest but please don't be like this... You're hurting me, Jen. I can't stand it that you're avoiding me and being cold with me" Lisa said then hold Jennie's hand and look at her softly.

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