Chapter 16: Company

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Lisa's P.O.V.

"Ma'am" Minnie and the guards bowed at me when they saw that I'm walking towards them.

"You should tell us that you're going back here so that we can pick you up," Minnie said while walking beside me.

"No need. That'll be more noticeable if you're going to wait for me at the airport. I don't want to gather paparazzi's attention" I answered while walking directly to my parents' coffins.

I head directly here to check on them. I need to visit them of course and I felt bad for heading back to Korea just to beg Jennie even if I'm not staying here for them even a day.

"Do you want me to prepare your room at—"

"No. I just went here to check on them, I'll be heading to the company after this" I cut her off while caressing mom's coffin.

"P-Pardon?" Minnie asked.

"We have something to do," I said as I look at her.

"Is it about the meeting? It'll be held tomorrow" she said.

"No. Something more important than that. Come on, show me the company" I said then walk towards the door.

She doesn't have to be told twice, she's now walking behind me.


We're now on the company and everyone bowed after seeing me.

I didn't talk nor look at them. I'm in a rush.

"Call everyone. We'll hold a meeting" I said and I saw Minnie on my peripheral view that she looks at me confused but instead of asking, she just nodded.

Two guards lead me the way to my parents' office. I stayed there and waited for Minnie to call me... Like a cue... She entered the office and tell me everyone's ready.

We both went to the hall where meetings are happening. It's a big room with a small stage in front. I saw that everyone is really there and waiting for me, asking each other on what's going on.

"May I call everyone's attention in front?" I said through the mic that made them all silent and look at me.

"Thank you," I said then take a step forward for them to clearly see me.

"I know that everyone of you knows me already but for a proper introduction, I am Lalisa Pranpriya Manoban, the new CEO of Manoban's company," I said and the whispers can be heard again.

"I won't make this long. I want everyone here to follow my instructions and orders and now... I want you to find Jennie Kim..." I was cut off when the whispers and other reactions became loud. Even Minnie on my side got surprised but I don't care.

"Produce everything that'll help. Ads, radio broadcast, announcements on televisions, newspapers and add articles about this on magazines. For the technology team... I want you all to trace her, find her location, her flight details... Everything" I said firmly and the commotion became louder.

"Ma'am!" Someone raised his hand.

"You're aware that everything will have a price right?" He said and the others agreed.

"Announcements on televisions costs thousands"

"Magazine articles are pretty expensive as well as the newspapers"

"And the tracking and searching for Miss Kim's location and flight details are illegal. We don't have the right to do that"

"We also have papers to pass and proposals to finish"

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