Chapter 6: What happened?

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Lisa's P.O.V.

I'm walking towards my car to go to Joohyun when my phone rang.

Oh, it's her.

"What's with the call? I'm already going there" I asked while opening my car.

"Change of plans. Seulgi and Yeri visited me. They're inviting me for a walk so..."

"Is that so? That's great. At least you'll not get tired to see my face every day right?" I asked then chuckle.

"Silly" she laughs.

"I'll just go to Jennie. Enjoy okay? Say my hi to Seulgi and Yeri, bye!" I said cheerfully.

"Yeah. Take care" and she ended the call.

I sigh when I entered my car.

Jennie is always out of the company. She's really busy, that's why I'm not going to her office after my work because I'll just feel lonely there.

What should I do now?

I dialed Rosé's number. I hope she's not busy.


"Are you busy? Can I go to your company?" I asked.

"Wrong timing. I'm sorry Lis I'm in the middle of a meeting"

"Oh. I'm sorry, I'll just call Jisoo"

"Are you fine? Is there any problem?" Typical Rosé. She's that soft and caring friend even if we always bicker. That's why I love her so much.

"No silly. I'm just bored. I'll hang up now okay? I know you're busy. Bye!" I said and when I heard her bye, I ended the call and dial Jisoo's number.

Three rings and she answered...

"Unnie! Are you busy? Where are you?" I asked.

"Why? I'm at the company and— oh yeah? Just put it there. Say I'm coming and..." Oh, she's talking to someone. Yeah... She's probably busy.

"I'll hang up now unnie. Seems like you're busy as hell" I said then chuckle.

"Yeah, unfortunately. Do you need anything?" She asked as I heard flipping of pages and some footsteps on her line like there's a lot of people walking at her place.

"I just called to say that I already convinced Rosé to break up with you"

"Fuck you"

And I laugh so hard.

"I'll hang up! Bye!" I said then ended the call.

Disadvantage of being a CEO. Yeah, that's why I don't want to be one because I want to be free. Being a CEO is like putting a tight rope around your neck. It feels suffocating and it sucks.

But weeks from now... I'll be a CEO too.

By the way... I just decided to stop at the flower shop, buy Jennie's favorite flowers and take out food from some Chinese restaurant then drive the way to her company. Yeah... I'll just wait for her if she's not there or what.

So yeah... She's really not here. Her employee said that she's on a meeting with her dog— I mean secretary, yeah, her secretary, Kai.

Argh, just by thinking about her being with Jennie all day, I can't take it... What more if I fly through Thailand already? I'm miles away from her while Kai is always with her.

But no... I trust Jennie. It's just a challenge for us. We can do it.

I put the bouquet on her table as well as the take-out foods before I lay down on her couch and scroll through my phone until I didn't notice that I fall asleep...

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