Chapter 32: END

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One week after that night, the couple started planning for their wedding not just because they want to but because Jennie was pushing them to make an early plan. She's so excited like she's the one getting married.

She pays attention to every detail of the wedding, she helped them by suggesting everything she think that'll make a good result for the whole wedding and the couple are gladly considering it.

As for her condition, she promised to take the surgery right after the wedding, her reason, she wants to see Lisa in front of the altar marrying the woman she loves and will make her happy. By that, she will be satisfied and let her memories and feelings for her go because she knew that she can't do anything anymore.

Kai was sentenced to thirty to fifty years in jail but too bad for him, he met some men inside that he did dirty before, they risk their sentence just to take revenge on him and kill him right in front of the other inmates. That news blew like wildfire around the world, Krystal who loves him so much almost take suicide because of that but her parents stopped her. She suffered from depression and anxiety and soon enough got diagnosed that her condition went worst and her parents don't have any choice but to bring her to an asylum.

As for the Kims, they didn't take back the company because even if they use their own money, it's still not enough knowing how big debt they have that Kai left. They can bring it back by selling their properties but Kai sold some of it and they don't want to lose another so they decided not to risk knowing that the stockholders they have has already turned their back on them.

They also didn't think of finding their daughter anymore.

Well, it's fine with Jennie because she's pitying herself for having such parents but she's still thankful that they gave birth to her because if not, she won't meet the person she loves the most.

"It's not that I'm rushing it but I'm just considering her condition, we don't know where or when will that disease take her, we're not even sure if she can still make it a month and her stubborn ass won't allow us to bring her to hospital and take some medications to make her life longer." Irene explained softly.

"Yeah, as for me, it's fine because what matters the most is at the end, we'll still get married. It won't change anything about being married next week or next month, we'll still end up tying the knot anyway." Lisa said, supporting her fiancée's statement.

"And I'm assuring you, dad, the time won't affect the preparation and actually, everything's already taken care of, thanks to Jennie, we didn't take much time deciding about almost everything." Irene added.

Mr. Bae just sigh at her two daughter's statements. Yes, two, because he considers Lisa as his child.

Well, what can he do now? It's their wedding and after all, they're right.

"I won't stop you with this. I know you know what you're doing, you're old enough to decide about this." Mr. Bae said and the couple hugs him excitedly.

"Thanks, Dad." they both said in unison.


"It would be nice to make it an afternoon wedding and let the sun witness us settle down before he sleeps." Lisa said then shove the fries inside her mouth.

"That's great! And then the reception will be at night after the ceremony, wow. That's perfect!" Irene squealed then side-hug her fiancée in delight.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. So maybe it'll happen in a beach? You know? That's a perfect set if you're seeking for a sunset." Jennie said, sitting just across them while the others are listening.

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