Chapter 4: Dinner

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"Babe, what's wrong?" Lisa asked. She's too occupied since she picks Jennie up from her company and since then, Jennie seems so lost from her thoughts. Lisa noticed her silence.

"H-Huh? You saying something?" Jennie asked and look at Lisa.

The latter stops the car beside the road then looks at Jennie.

"Is something bothering you?" Lisa worriedly asked then hold Jennie's hands. The latter look down at their hands then sigh.

"Dad doesn't want me to call for another secretary because he's the one who sent Kai." Jennie felt that Lisa is about to pull back her hand but she tightens her hold then look up to meet Lisa's eyes.

"Baby, don't overthink about anything. I'm reassuring you now... Nothing will change, okay? Nothing. I'm not even talking to him." Jennie explained. She's afraid that Lisa will be upset or mad because of the whole idea. She doesn't want Lisa to feel threatened just because Kai is now staying at her side for the whole day.

"Your dad will really do anything just to ruin our relationship," Lisa said then sit properly. She crosses her arms then looks at her front.

"Baby..." Jennie holds her cheeks and makes her face her again.

"Just understand him, okay? He'll accept us later on" Jennie assured her.

"He also told me that..." Jennie paused then sit properly too. She looks at her front before continuing. "... That he'll accept you. Us. If you already run your company. He's thinking that you're not serious to me and don't have any plan on building a family. He—"

"Jennie." Lisa cut her off.

"You know that he only wants me to run the company because he wants us to be apart, right? He just wants you to marry Kai. Since day one, he wants Kai for you." Lisa said as she felt the bitterness of her own words.

Jennie didn't say anything. She know that too but she's hoping that maybe... Just maybe, her father is serious now about his words that he'll accept Lisa if she runs her own company in Thailand, but she's also afraid.

"Jennie..." Lisa reaches for her hand then cover it with her own. "Do you want us to get married already so that I can prove to him that—"

"No." Jennie quickly answered. They talked about it already. They want to get married but they decided to do it when her father accepts them already.

Lisa pulls Jennie's nape then kiss her forehead.

"It's okay. You don't have to think about me, I can wait." Lisa said then kiss her forehead again.

Jennie feels sad about it. She wants to get married to Lisa too but she wants her father's blessings first. She knew that the idea about Kai is bothering Lisa but the latter is just being understanding because she doesn't want her to worry.

"I love you." was what Jennie can only say. Lisa smiles at her lovingly before saying "And I love you too." then place one last kiss on her forehead.

"Just don't be so hot and sexy in front of Kai," Lisa said when she started to drive again.

"You think I'm trying to get his attention?" Jennie asked sternly then cross her arms. Lisa takes a glance at her before focusing on the road.

"That. Don't do that in front of him. You look so hot." Lisa said that made Jennie uncross her arms.

"Is that really okay with you? Kai being my secretary? Because baby—"

"It's fine Jen. I swear. It's your dad's decision so I'm respecting it. I don't want to add a bad impression on him." Lisa said.

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