Chapter 29: "I'm hurt" Irene's version

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"Why are you even there?" Irene frustratedly asked while pacing back and forth in front of the two women who just got in jail.

Yeri and Joy are fidgeting with their fingers while looking at their lap. The others are just sitting in front of them on the long couch.

"Joohyun, relax. At least let them explain? You know them, they're not like that" Lisa said as she stands up and holds both of Irene's arms to stop her from walking.

Yeri and Joy went to some house that's holding a casino inside but unfortunately, that place is illegal and doesn't have any papers to run that kind of business and it got raided tonight so yeah, everyone ended up in jail. Thanks that the police let them go since they're just victims.

"Okay. I'm sorry, I'm just really worried and..." Irene looks at the two. "... Disappointed" she continued which made the two to frown even more.

"Unnie we're sorry, we're just really strolling around when someone approached us and asked if we really want to have fun so we go with her to that house but we didn't expect that we're going to that kind of place. We told her that we don't like there and we're just leaving but she insisted and said that the first game will be on here so we just give it a try but unfortunately... We enjoyed and play a lot" Yeri explained while still looking down.

Irene was about to say something but Seulgi beats her to it.

"Seriously?! You go with a stranger? Are you really out of your mind Yeri?" Seulgi said with full of irritation.

"We're really sorry, we just got carried away, we won't do that again," Joy said this time, still looking down.

"You really won't! Because the next time that this will happen, I'll let you sleep in jail already" Wendy said firmly then cross her arms.

"Girls, you're in a foreign country. Please be careful on what you're doing, look what happened, you got involved in illegal doings" Lisa said, more calm and soft than the other three.

"Rest now, it's pretty late" she added and the two nod their heads. They walk upstairs with their girlfriends while Irene and Lisa stayed.

"Hey, calm down, they said their sorries already," Lisa said as she makes Irene to look at her. Irene sigh then smiles weakly at Lisa.

"Sorry. Let's sleep?" Irene asked and they both walk upstairs to go to their room.

Once they're settled, they lay beside to each other impossibly close that the air can't even pass between them.

"Joohyun?" Lisa suddenly called while stroking Irene's hair. The latter hum in response, not opening her eyes and just burying her face in Lisa's chest.

"Why can't I go to you after work? Kwangsoo keeps on telling me that it's your order. I just want us to go home together" Lisa said which made Irene open her eyes. There's no way in the world that she's going to tell Lisa about Kai being a threat to her. She doesn't want her to worry that much.

"I still have meetings after work and I don't want you to wait for me that long outside the company. I'd rather let you sleep and rest here than to the car while waiting for me" white lies.

Lisa hum in response before placing a kiss on Irene's head.

"I love you," she said before she closes her eyes.

Irene closes her fist. She doesn't want Lisa to think about anything anymore. She wants her to move on from her past and live her new life now. She wants Lisa to focus on her life. 

Irene doesn't want Lisa to know about her past from Jennie as much as possible. Even if she can't remember the latter anymore, she still doesn't want it.

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