Chapter 9: Lose

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Lisa stayed in Irene's house, crying while hugging the latter. Irene just let her, not saying anything but she knew that Lisa's really hurt and it hurts her too seeing Lisa like this.

"I'm always here" Irene whispered while fixing Lisa's bangs. She fell asleep at Irene's bed due to so much crying.

She heard the doorbell rang so she stands up and fix the blanket around Lisa before going downstairs to check who came.

"Oh, hey," Irene said when she saw Wendy and Joy.

"We heard that Lisa's not coming so..." Wendy paused.

"We're here to take you out!" Joy said excitedly.

Seulgi, Yeri, Wendy, and Joy are always taking Irene out when Lisa's not coming for her not to feel alone.

"Ah... That, she's actually here" Irene said.

"Really?! Where?" Wendy squealed as well as Joy then they both run inside while shouting Lisa's name.

"Yah! She's sleeping!" Irene scolded them while following them upstairs.

"You guys slept in your room?" Joy asked while smirking after she peeked at Irene's room and saw Lisa sleeping under the blanket.

"W-What? Of course not! I'm wide awake can't you see?" Irene said irritated while pulling Wendy because the latter is walking inside her room and she knew that she'll pester the sleeping Thai inside.

"You guys decided to stay here instead of going to the coffee shop? That's odd" Wendy said as they all walk downstairs to sit on the couch.

"No. She's actually not coming here... She told me herself and I'm surprised that she come over" Irene said after signaling the maid to bring them food and drinks.

"And sleep?" Joy asked. Putting her feet on the couch to Indian sit with a pillow on her lap.

"She's... She's actually crying" Irene said then fix the drinks and tray that the maids gave.

"What?! Why? Did she tell you? What happened?" Wendy asked worriedly.

"That... I don't know. I didn't ask, I just let her" Irene said while thinking what's the reason too.

"Did you call Jennie? She needs to know this" Joy said. Also worried.

"Yes. Multiple times but she's not answering, maybe she's on work" Irene answered then sip her orange juice.

"What if it's her and Jennie's problem?" Wendy asked, eating the sandwich.

"She looks so hurt... She's really crying hard. It's impossible because they did fight before but Lisa won't run away and cry... She'll fix it. You know her" Irene said that made the two nod in agreement. She's right.

"Yeah, you're right. What might be the reason?" Joy asked.

"How about Rosé? Did you call her? Maybe she knew right?" Wendy asked.

"Oh! You're right!" Irene said then called Rosé but she's also not answering so she just leaves a message.

"She's also not answering, I just left a message for her" Irene said then turned off her phone.

"Oh! They're at a big meeting right now. I remember Jisoo telling me about that" Joy said.

"Now that makes sense," Wendy said then shrugged her shoulder.

"Why aren't you guys there?" Irene asked.

"Oh come on. We don't want to be partnered with Jennie's asshole father" Wendy said then chuckle.

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