Chapter 24: That woman

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"Lisa!" Jisoo barged inside the room followed by Seulgi and Wendy.

Seulgi holds Lisa while Wendy and Jisoo pulled Jennie away. They didn't expect her to be here. They thought she's in New York with her dream husband.

"Lisa, baby, I miss you... Please let's be together again... I really really love you..." Jennie begged as her tears continued to pour. She's trying to reach Lisa who's just standing and looking at her with confused eyes. She doesn't have any idea who's this crying woman in front of her.

"Jennie listen—"

"No! Let go of me!" Jennie cut Jisoo off while still trying to reach Lisa.

"Jennie stop" Wendy tried all her best to pull Jennie but the latter keeps on fighting.

Lisa was so confused and puzzled. She suddenly felt fear and mix emotions she can't explain. Her hands started trembling while looking at Jennie.

"Lisa" Seulgi called her in worry.

"Lisa, baby... Let's make it right... Let's forget about everything" Jennie begged.

"I... I don't k-know what you're t-talking about" Lisa stutter. Her whole body felt goosebumps and she can feel chills through her skin.

"Lisa are you fine? What's happening?" Seulgi holds her cheeks and makes her look at her. Lisa's becoming pale.

"Look at me, what's happening to you?" Seulgi asked while patting Lisa's cheeks, trying to get her attention but the latter's eyes are fixed on Jennie.

"Jisoo let's get Jennie out of here," Wendy said in a panic as she saw how Lisa reacted to seeing Jennie. Jisoo nodded and tried to pull Jennie again.

"N-No! Don't take me away from her! Lisa! Baby! I love you! Let's start again! Please! I know you still love me! Please!"

"Jennie enough," Jisoo said then pulled Jennie outside the room.

"Buddy, hey, look at me," Seulgi said worriedly and that's when Lisa finally look at her.

"I'll get you water" Seulgi was about to walk but Lisa hold her wrist tightly.

"S-Stay," Lisa said, still in a state of shock and fear.

"Okay, I'll stay here, calm down okay? Nothing's gonna happen" Seulgi assisted her to lay at the bed as she sat beside Lisa's head.

The latter is still shock and doesn't know what to react nor do. She was surprised emotionally and seeing Jennie whom her mind forgot, triggered something inside her chest that made her react like that.

"W-Who is s-she?" Lisa asked as her eyes started to close because of tiredness. She's still holding Seulgi's wrist, afraid that something might happen if she let go.

"It's fine. Everything's fine" Seulgi said then removed Lisa's hand at her wrist carefully. She fixes the blanket above her then walk towards the door and head downstairs just to saw her two friends calming Jennie down at the living room.

They don't know what to feel towards Jennie. Their last conversation didn't end up well but they talked about it already... They should move on because Lisa and Irene are fine now as well as Jennie with her dream husband but now that Jennie looks like she's going to do anything just to get back Lisa? They don't know anymore.

"Where is she? I want to see her please we need to talk" Jennie said as she stands up and walks towards Seulgi but the latter holds her wrist and pulled her back at the couch as the latter sat down too.

"What's all of this Jennie?" Wendy asked seriously.

Jennie looks at her with her teary eyes.

"W-What do you mean? I just want Lisa and I to get back together and start again. I made a lot of mistakes before and I want to make it up to her" Jennie said, trying not to crack again.

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