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Today is the day where I start my first day at a university as a transfer student. I'm from France. A french girl coming to an American college, I always wanted to go to Florida with my best friend and here I had a chance to live like an American student. It's a great opportunity. I hoped to live here as much as I can and had in mind to find my future husband.

"Sophia t'es prête?!" My best friend, Julia yelled as I struggled to get in my pants. (Sophia, are you ready?)

"Ouais, j'arrive à un instant." I replied and finally put on my pants, I took my phone and my backpack then ran downstairs to meet Julia. (Yeah, I'm coming at a moment)

My friend and I usually talk in French but we have to communicate in English if we want to be like other people.

"Gosh, you are taking so much time." Julia rolled her eyes as she 'patiently' wait for me.

I lift my head up to look at her and glared at her, "it's not my fault though."

"It is, come on sweetheart." She sang with joy and I grunted.

I rushed toward the door and walked toward our car that Julia and I saved up for buying a car.

"Get in loser." Julia said as she took the driver seat and put her sunglasses on.

I rolled my eyes and get on the car.

"Next time, I'm going to drive this baby." I warned her and she laughed.

A few minutes after, we have reached the school even though we lived close to the campus. Julia parked the car in free parking, I get out of the car and breath the fresh air of Florida.

"Here I am in Florida." I inhaled the air and Julia looked as if I was a crazy woman.

"Stop sniffing like a dog." She cringed in disgust.

"If Blaze heard you that, he will kill you." I chuckled.

"Blaze my beautiful mate, I wish my future handsome would be like him." She smiled. Blaze is a guy who is on a Wattpad story, that guy is a werewolf who is damn hot and sexy. (A/n: check out my other story if he's really hot)

"Me too, he's so cute yet dominant." We giggled and walked toward the campus, showing off our super body, not really.

"Let's have the best life in Florida bitches." Julia snickered and I followed her. All eyes were on her, watching her beautiful body. It's true that she is beautiful and a model too, she recently had a shoot with the famous photographer who is known for his fabulous work.

I chuckled and linked my arms with her. Without her, I would never leave France. Thanks to her I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new experience.

We both arrived at the secretary office, Julia knocked on the door and we heard a soft voice saying to come in. We entered the office and saw a woman with sharp glasses.

"Hello girls, I suppose that you are the new french students?" She asked and we both nodded.

"Great welcome the Winston University, here are your schedule and your locker pass." She said giving us the stuff.

"Thank you mam." I said as I glanced at my schedule.

"You're welcome." She said giving us a little smile.

We left the office and looked at the schedule, I had two periods with her but only two and that's all.

"Dommage! At least we get to see each other at lunch." Julia whined and I nodded. (Pity)

"Yeah anyway I see you later, I have to go." I say waving at her before running to my next class which is economics.

I slammed the door, making a loud noise. Everyone eyes are on me, I blushed and smiled apologetically, the teacher looked at me sternly and huffed as she looked at a piece of paper.

"What's your name?" No hello or anything?

"I'm Sophia Manson, a french student." I said giving her a fake smile.

"Alright go sit we haven't got any more time because of you." She snarled and I nodded, even though she's acting like a bitch I couldn't ruin my chance here.

I went upstairs and sat next to a boy whose eyes is half-open. It seems like he is half sleeping.

Who the fuck is sleeping like that?

I looked at him, he had hazel eyes with brushy eyebrows, I couldn't help but to brush his hair who was in his other eyes shut and because of that his eyes fluttered, he just caught me staring at him. I blushed and back away from him.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes who is now fully awake then stirred his back. He scratched his head with his eyes looking at the room.

He was the definition of a cute, nerdy guy. Just like my type.

Then he turned toward with his eyes, lazily, and smirked at me, I smiled and put on correctly my glasses who keep falling down on my nose.

"Hey." He spoke making me shivered, his deep voice.

"Hi." I squeaked, I felt little over him.

"My name is Melvin and you?" He asked with his head down laying on his book and looked at me.

"I'm Sophia, nice to meet you." I said shyly, he was really hot that I was shy, I usually wasn't shy in front of guys.

"My pleasures." He mumbled and looked down on his phone when the teacher isn't looking.

I took a peek of him, his trait masculine showing off his jawline.

The bell rings and it was time to go, I didn't want to go and it was the first time I didn't leave the room, I just wanted to watch this masterpiece looking at his phone.

"It's rude to stare you know?" He smirked playfully.

"Oh, you caught me staring." I whispered and he held my chin making me look at him.

"You're beautiful Sophia, don't forget that." He said and walked out of the room, leaving me with a confused mind.

He was cute but perplexed.

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