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"Apparently this young man is my daughter boyfriend, is that right?" My dad said in his strong french accent, my dad wasn't that good in English while my mom was half British.

"Yes sir." Nate replied nervously, I can't believe the arrogant man is being nervous around my father.

After taking a long time to talk to breath without Nate, my father called him our living room where we had to keep him away from my overprotective brother and father.

"He seems like a good kid, n'est ce pas chérie?" My mom asked my dad who gave her a slight nod. (Isn't it honey?)

"I promise to not hurt her or even let any male get around her." Nate swore determined, he wanted to have his approval for having a relationship with his daughter. I'm the only precious daughter for them, so it's normal for them to act as a protective family.

"What kind of job your parents do?" Mom asked him, he was hesitating, I stepped in before the situation can get worse.

"Mom please!" I begged I expect a fucking thank you for saving his ass.

"Why? I need to know." She said in confusion.

"Nathaniel parents job are top secret."

"Why can't he tell us?" My father cut in, I begged my brother with my eyes to help me but he shrugged and played on his phone, this little bitch!

"My mom is a lawyer." Nate replied as he rubbed his hands against his jeans.

"What's your family surname, boy?" My father asked suspiciously.

"It's Blackwell, Nathaniel Blackwell."

Suddenly my father paled, my mom was still confused and my brother like the usual is unbothered. I frowned my eyebrows.

"The famous lawyer in America which mean you are the son of the deputy." My father stated with surprise, my mom gasped and my brother let go of his phone on the ground.

"You weren't supposed to know that!" I groaned and looked at Nate who gulped.

"I'm sorry Mr Blackwell for giving such nasty glances." My father apologized as well as my brother who is apologizing for his behaviour.

"It's okay but please treat me like a human I'm not the son of the president or anything." He chuckled.

"Your mom is my idol and forever, she's absolutely amazing and knows how to defend her client with such good performance." My father blabbered while my mom sighed.

"Here we go." I mumbled and gave an apologetic smile to Nate who smirked in return. He leaned in close to my ear, my family was busy hearing my father talking that they didn't notice the distance between us.

"You have to pay back." He whispered and bites my earlobe. I gulped nervously and tugged my lips between my teeth.

"Mom, dad I'm going to teach Nate some french." I said standing up suddenly, interrupting my father speech.

"Alright honey, you can go." My mom said with a smile and I nodded. I grabbed Nate's hands and dragged him to my room.

I pushed him into my room and locked the door after I went in. I let out a sigh of relief and glanced at Nate slowly taking off his shirt.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, flabbergasted.

"Well, you brought me here to have sex, nah?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Idiot, I brought you here because I didn't want you to listen to my dad ranting."

"Oh well, we can do other things than sex." He said gripping the end of his shirt and pulled out of his head. Just the way he took off the shirt was amazing, his back muscles flexe—

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