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"Come on Sophia you've been here for one day." Julia warned I shook my head even though she can't see me. Yesterday, it was painful for me to sleep, I couldn't sleep because of Nate who's been worrying me for the past hours. My head is alright there is just a scratch nothing wrong but I want to know what's wrong with Nate.

"Sophia don't let me use the hard way." She threatened but I ignored her, right now I need my space alone. I love my friends but they are just bothering me.

"Go away! I need some space!" I snapped through my blanket, my earphones are on my ears, listening to a sad song.

Gosh is this how it feels like to be heartbroken?

"If you get I will get you an ice cream." She said making me sit up quickly taking off my earphones and ran toward the bathroom. I heard Julia laughed, I rolled my eyes and washed my face. I looked at my face in the mirror and cringed.

I looked so horrible. Bags underneath my eyes, I have a pimple right in front of my forehead and my eyes are swollen. I put a pimple sticker on my forehead, it's not like I'm going outside the city. I'm only going to the ice cream shop. I put on shorts and a crop top since the weather said that it's going to be hot. Lastly, I put lip gloss on my lips and tried to smile while brushing my tangled hair.

"Done!" I yelled and jumped to Julia who looked startled.

"You are being happy for someone who is going through a heartbreak." She said and I sighed.

"We didn't break up—we are taking a break." I said and took my bag.

"Well you know I'm having mixed emotions, I feel like you guys should still stay together but then on the other side I don't know why he didn't tell you about that before." She said and we walked downstairs together. I wonder where is Ella?

"If you are wondering where is Ella. She went to Carson, I told her to go and talk with him since we don't want her to drag into our business besides it would be great if she's in a relationship with him." Julia smiled.

"You did the right thing, I totally ship them." I squealed.

"Obviously, let's go we need ice cream."


"About last night." Julia started, I ignored her and continued to eat my cookie dough ice cream.

"I didn't tell about anyone but people are now gossiping about this." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever I don't care about them."

"I can't believe Melvin fooled us, he's a dickhead!" Julia snapped.

"I hate him, I didn't know his true intentions before but now I understand." I muttered angrily.

"Do you know what happened to Nate?" I asked after a moment of silence.

"Well I don't know, I haven't talked to Nelson." She rubbed her arms uncomfortably.

"You shouldn't stop talking to him just because he was in the bet."

"I know but what he did was wrong too, I can't forgive him until you forgive Nate."

"Nate and I will figure it out, you should start talking with Nelson. He didn't do anything except proposing the bet, Nate could have said no but he didn't. Besides, we all know that it's Melvin the fucker who did that." I rolled my eyes as I mentioned his name, even his name disgusted me.

"You right I will talk to him but first let me enjoy this ice cream." She said and I chuckled.

"Oh yeah, we do need a good ice cream before we go back home." I gushed and smiled as I took a bite of the ice cream. The thought of me and Nate playing with ice cream made me laughed, how he dipped his fingers on the pot just to put it in my nose.

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