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I slammed the door harshly, making a loud noise. Everyone snapped their heads toward me, a smirk was on my face while I walked in as if I don't care.

"Hey teach." I said to Mrs Paul unbothered, she was married but that doesn't mean she didn't have any fantasies about me.

"Mr Blackwell, tu es en retard." (You're late)

"Ouais, je sais mais je m'en fiche." (Yeah I know but I don't care)

She sighed, "Go back to your seat."

I complied and sat behind with Nelson smirking, I don't know how fast he came here oh- he used the elevator, that greedy bastard. Being friends with the principal kid is amazing, he gives you a free pass for the cafeteria and even a key for your own elevator just for being friends with Melvin, he is only a stuck up kid who wants attention from rich kids.

"Where were you dufus?!" I hissed furiously as I became annoyed with his face amused.

"I was somewhere else." He said with his usual smirk plastered on his face.

"Putain!" (Fuck)

"Do you have anything to say, Mr Blackwell?" Mrs Paul yelled out at the back, I turned my head over and saw the nerd girl that I claimed back in the cafeteria. She was there in front of the class, looking beautiful as ever. She didn't notice me since she was looking at the window.

"Nothing miss, continue." I urged her to get on her dumb speech, I just wanted to know to her, the girl who attracted me. Her glasses making her face look cute and gorgeous. I can't wait to get to know her!

She rolled her eyes and then smiled at the new girl, how come I don't get the same treatment as her? Whatever.

"My name is Sophia Manson, the french girl as you can see, I don't need special treatment just because I'm french and I'm not your personal google traduction or dictionary." She introduced herself, she was looking at the class and then her eyes ended up on mine, I gave her a small wave with a sneaky smile on my face. She didn't respond as I watched her gulping nervously.

"Merci, for this brief introduction you can go back to your seat." She said and Sophia went to her seat.

"Sophia..." I muttered.

"Oh, the girl who Melvin loves!" Nelson said behind me which started to piss me off. I turned my head behind and glared at him.

"What the fuck did you said?!" I snarled.

"Melvin told me he likes her, the new girl." He stated casually.

"That fucker loves her, how dare he?!" I exclaimed, again everyone turned their head around me, I glared at them. I can see the teacher glaring at me, I didn't mind her.

"What the fuck do you want assholes?!" I yelled and they quickly mind their business except for one person, one damn person didn't mind her business.

It's Sophia.

Just in time.

"Hey, Sophia!" I yelled at her and she shivered, Mrs Paul glared at me.

"Nathaniel this is not a way to address one of your classmates!"

"Yeah whatever, anyway I heard something about you." I ignored the teacher and looked at Sophia who her head is down she must not like attention, it's a pity since she's going to be mine.

I sighed and continued, ignoring the teacher glares and Nelson shaking my shoulders.

"Don't do it!" He said and I gave a wink toward him.

"The principal son loves you, I know it's not my place to say it but we were childhood friends and that guy can never reveal his love to a girl because he's a scaredy-cat." I chuckled and she looked confused, I think she doesn't know the principal son even though he loves her, man this guy is fucked up. She doesn't know him that well, I know how fucked up he is, how can he fall in love with her?

The room was filled with gasps, they didn't know about my childhood with Melvin, we did make a contract where we will never tell anyone about our identity but whatever I need to show him who is the boss even though his daddy is the principal here, but my father gave his support for this school.

"Mr Blackwell, I won't tolerate your behaviour!" The teacher yelled, she doesn't me at all, she only knows me because I'm the son of the Blackwell company here in Florida.

Again I ignored her and put my full attention on the new girl, looking helpless. She rubbed her arms uncomfortably.

I stood up and walked toward her, I lightly pushed the teacher who was stopping me from walking, I slowly reached her table. I gripped the end of her table, she jumped and looked up to me with her innocent face. I looked down on her and my jaw clenched.

Soon, I will fuck this face in front of everyone.

I bent down on her level and leaned in forward, close to her ear and bite her earlobes softly.

"It's Melvin, Melvin Gray." I whispered and get away from her ear, to not miss her reaction it was phenomenal, the look on her face will never wipe away from my brain.

I smirked and pecked her cheek lightly as if there wasn't any real peck on her cheek. I get away from her, missing her scent from the moment I get away and leave the class. But before leaving the class, I have something to say to the teacher which only she and Sophia will understand.

"Je suis le fils du minister de la défense, même si ce petit merdeux est le fils du principal de cet université, je suis quand même plus haut que lui." I said and then leave the class. (I am the son of the minister of defence, even though this little shit is the son of the principal in this college, I am still higher than him)

I don't usually use my dad title to make people obey me, but I had to let everyone know that my girl that no one can play with me, I can only play.

I get out of the campus, I had enough of seeing the student having fun and learning, I hate them except my friends and family. I stepped in my expensive sports car and turned on the ignition.

It was time to spend my energy on racing.


(Sorry it's too short)

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