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Sex with Nate. It's amazing.

If I had a choice between my fish and sex with Nate, I would definitely choose the sex because my fish was dead since a little girl ate it. (I'm afraid that I'm not joking, my little sister ate my fish. I also name him Chocolate. Rest in Peace Chocolate.)

"What are you thinking about?" Nate asked as he kissed my forehead lightly and rubbed my cheek, we were laying naked on my bed

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"What are you thinking about?" Nate asked as he kissed my forehead lightly and rubbed my cheek, we were laying naked on my bed. Only the cover was covering our lower part, I smiled sheepishly and patted his naked chest.

"Just thinking about my fish." I said and he growled.

"6 rounds was not enough for you to fill your mind about me?" He said and I chuckled. Yes, we had 6 rounds, he's a god in sex.

"The only thing you are good at is being jealous." I said.

"And also sexual intercourse." He smirked lazily, he was right though.

"That's true." I said and held him tightly.

"So round 7?" He asked with a sheepish smile, I frowned and hit his arms.

"Are you a freaking animal? I just cum 6 times!" I said with exasperation, I'm so tired from sex that this one is not. I'm shocked.

"What? It's not my fault that I do sport more than you." He said true facts.

"Shut up." I said and he chuckled.

"Anyway I better be going, I want you to meet my parents though." He sat up and put on his discarded shirt that he left on the ground.

"Don't you think it's too early." I asked with uncertainty, I don't know if I should probably meet his parents, they are powerful and rich.

"Baby, I'm taking this relationship seriously, I want my mom to meet my girlfriend who will be my future wife in a few years." He said and put on his boxers and jogging.

I tilted my head and contemplated, I don't know. I'm also taking this relationship seriously but what if his parents don't like me or worse his mother. He can't just leave his mother which means he will leave.

"Sophia stops worrying, I know you are overthinking." He said sitting on my bed and was now fully covered. He took one of my breasts and rubbed it softly. I was still naked and let out a quiet moan as he touched my breast, pulling my nipples.

"How?" I whispered.

"The look, baby." He said and leaned in forward, taking my arms and putting it around his shoulders. I sighed in content as I feel his body close to me.

"My grandma like you so why not my mother? And if she doesn't like you I will force her to like you and to get to know you. If not then we will elope and leave this shitty country." He said in amusement and I slapped his back.

"Now is not the time to joke about this." I scolded and he laughed.

"Baby, everything is going to be okay. I make sure of it, hm?" He said rubbing my cheek, I nodded softly and hugged him closer.

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