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"That bitch!" My brother yelled and we nodded.

"I know right, he's a bitch." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Right, kids it's time to eat." Julia said as she rubbed her arms with Elliot, wait what?

"Sure mommy." He smirked playfully and leave the room, did he called her mommy?

"What the heck is going on with you two?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, we were just playing around." She stuttered and storm off the room in rush, she never stutters unless something is bothering her. I know her since childhood, she's never nervous. Maybe she's hiding something from me but why?

I shook it off, she will have to tell me anyway.

I get up to join them but I received a notification from Melvin, yes I gave him my number when we were in class.

Melvin: hey Sophia.

Sophia: hey Mel.

Melvin: what's up?

Sophia: I'm good wbu?

Melvin: same, do you want to go somewhere after school?

Melvin is such a sweet guy, if Nate is right then what's the problem, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I would love to be with him.

Sophia: sure Mel.

Melvin: great I'm telling you the details tmw, later.

Sophia: alright.

I put down the phone and go eat because my stomach can't hold the hunger any more.


We are in my room, chatting and having fun, while Elliot is sleeping since he has to work early in the morning.

"Julia, I need advice." I said to her and she smiled.

"Sure, what do you need?"

"Melvin asked me out to hang out after school, what should I wear?" I asked and she yelped.

"My goodness, I'm so happy for you! And don't worry I will help you, girl." She winked at me and I blushed.

She gets up and goes to my closet to find the perfect outfit for the friendly date.

"So what do you think of Melvin?" Julia asked as she searched for my outfit.

I lay in my bed and looked up at the ceiling, "he's great and cute."

"Damn right, he looks like a great guy." She said.

"Yeah...so what's up with the stalker?" I asked and she turned around in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Well the stalker is actually Nate friend, his name is Nelson and he's in my French class." I smirked.

"Oh, Nelson..."

"Do you know him?" I asked.

"I heard rumours about him, saying that he's the second hottest boy and a fuck boy too." We rolled our eyes and sighed, damn those boys, they are so annoying except Carson who is their bitch even though he didn't do anything to me, their ego is phenomenal.

"Well, he's not that bad like Nate?" I said while biting the inside of my mouth, I'm nervous, asking about my brother in front of her, I mean I would be happy for her but she's too good for him. My brother had a past with a certain woman that I despised and still do, Miranda manipulated him into robbing a bank, sadly my brother obeyed and did which caused him 2 years of jail, thankfully my dad bailed him out early, but Elliot can't seem to forget her. They were also ready for marriage.

"I don't know, maybe I'm not ready for romance."

"Don't do what your heart tells you to." I said sternly, she looked at me with shock.


"I know you like him." I said coming close to her.

"I'm just looking out for you." I continued and hugged her close while she started to sob.

"I love him, So, I love him so much that it damn hurts even though I know the consequences."

"It will hurt right now but you will be in pain once you are with him." I reasoned I'm looking out for both of them, Elliot is not mentally stable for another relationship and Julia never had a relationship, I love both of them, so that's why I can't watch them be together.

"I want a girl like you to be with him, but he's not ready for romance."

"You're right So." She wiped her tears and smiled, hugging me close.

After a few moments of comfort, I let her go and rubbed her arms affectionately.

"I'm going to make a hot chocolate for you while you are going to try to find a dress for me, alright?" She nodded and I went out of the room.

I would love them to be together, but this isn't going to work, she will be better with someone else while he will find another woman.

It kinda hurt to let go of someone that you love.

"I'm sorry Sophia." He said and let go of my hands.

"No, no please don't let me go." I cried and held him tighter, I couldn't let him go, he was the guy who saved me from hell.

He pushed me harshly on the road, running off with his new girlfriend. I stood in the busy road, not leaving, remained there.

I was in stupefaction, how can he push me on the road? Does he want my death?

He looked at me with his girlfriend smirking at me, that bitch!

"I hate to do this but I don't love you, any more..."

He doesn't love me...any more.

Suddenly a car comes in my way, everything went quick, I couldn't move my legs, the car honked for me to move but I couldn't, it was like my feet were glued, I looked at the guy who hurt me to help me but he just stood there looking at me.

The car crashed in front of my body, my body was flying to the other side, I rolled on the concrete floor, I felt blood oozing out of my head and my hip. The car driver get out of his car and ran toward me.

"Miss, are you okay?!" He asked, shaking my shoulders lightly.

My eyes were blinking, I didn't have the strength to answer him as I'm falling asleep.

Am I going to be dead?

Will someone help me?

A lot of questions were popping into my head, I smiled and say my last words.

"I hate him." I whispered and then a black frame came into my eyes.

"Miss! The ambulance is here." I heard the last words.

I shook my head off the memories, the bad memories.

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