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"How much Bill Gates can make money?" My dad asked as I looked at him from my phone.

"His net worth is $74 billions of dollars estimated, I guess." I shrugged, my dad is placed in the second, making him the second richest man in the whole world, even he's richer than the president.

"That's a lot, right son?" He asked.

"It is, doesn't rob him." I said playfully and he chuckled.

"I'm glad you have my dark humour son, man I can't believe your older brother got your mom personality." He patted my head.

"I know how jealous can he be." I rolled my eyes. My mom is so jealous whenever my dad is with a girl, even his cousin. She just can't support it just like my brother.

"I love your mother, you guys are both my world." My dad said as he looked at me.

"Yeah dad, I want you to meet my French tutor." I said and he frowned in confusion.

"I heard that you slept with your old teacher." He chuckled.

"Gray told me that." I rolled my eyes.

"It's fun, but please do it secretly, I can't have the other deputy to know that my son is doing this for fun." He smirked.

Don't worry dad, my new french tutor is going to be mine forever.

"We have arrived at your campus, let's go I have to meet Blake." He said and then waited for the driver to open up the door.

Suddenly we were surrounded by paparazzi, asking us millions of question. Lights are on my face, I showed them my pearly whites smile and waved at them. I've been used to it, paparazzi following me since I was a kid.

"Mr Blackwell, how are you doing?"

"Mr Blackwell, what are you doing here? At the University of Florida?"

"Mr Blackwell, is your son going to be married?"

I'm surprised that the other journalists asked me if I was going to be married, I smirked as I walked toward the hallway with my dad beside me, ignoring their petty questions.

As we reached the hallway of the campus, fortunately, guards were there to shoo them away, I sighed and walked toward my friends, Carson and Nelson.

"Yo buddy, I see a lot of journalists." Nelson smirked, I guess he didn't see my dad who was busy calling behind me.

"Perks of being the deputy son." I grinned and Carson rolled his eyes, playfully.

"Of course."

"Hello, boys." My dad stepped in front of them, their reactions were hilarious.

"Fuck- hey Mr Blackwell." Nelson stammered, of course meeting my dad is like meeting the king.

"Hi, sir." Carson, as a quiet man, kept natural.

"You guys are so big now, so how are the women's?" My dad said as he brushed their hair.

"You know, I'm doing pretty good." Nelson replied while Carson shrugged.

𝐌𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now