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It's been two hours since I've taught him, well actually talked with him. He was perfect at french, then why does he need french lessons? I just don't get it.

"I'm going to go, it's getting late." I said looking at my watch, I'm not even lying, there were thousands of calls from Elliot and Julia.

"You can always stay here?" Nathaniel suggested with a wink, I rolled my eyes.

"I rather not." I scoffed.

I took my bag and get out of his room, he followed me downstairs and like the clumsy girl I missed a step of stairs making me fall, I closed my eyes and embraced myself for the pain but nothing came, I opened them and saw Nathaniel catching me closely, he grabbed my waist and leaned in the wall for support. For the first time, I saw his hazel eyes glowing through the full moon, his eyes were beautiful, glistening underneath the natural light.

"Be careful, my lady." He smirked and he ruined my moment by adding his familiar smirk.

I sighed and get away from him and his touch, disgusting touch.

Shut up Sophia, I know it's not true.

"Call me Nate."

"What?" I asked turning toward him who is still leaning in the wall.

"I'm only allowing people who are close to me to call my nickname." He smiled genuinely.

"Sure then you can call me So." I smiled back and he nodded.

"I love the view." Naze said interrupting our moment, now that I think of it I'm still on the stairs.

"How long have you been here?" Asked Nate with fury, what's wrong with him? Why is he always like that in front of his brother?

"Long enough to see you catching the woman." He smirked with a beer in his hand. He was also the definition of Adonis-like his brother, damn this family is lucky to have hot and sexy boys.

"Pervert, get the fuck out of here!" Nate yelled.

"This is my house brother, grandma is coming."

"I don't fuck- wait what! You said what?!"

"Grandma is coming to see your new tutor." Naze repeated as he winked at me.

"Fuck! Holy fucking shit!" Nate pulled his hair harshly as he muttered incoherent words, I don't get it?

"What's wrong with that?" I asked Naze who looked at me.

"Our grandma is French and old-fashioned, you better impress her." He said and then there is a ring bell on the door.

"Ah there is she, be ready dearest brother!" Naze sang as he opened the door, Nate ran to his room while I get downstairs, getting ready to greet her.

"Hello grand-mère!" Naze said to his grandma who comes into the apartment, she was a beautiful old woman, grey hair and red lipsticks, she doesn't look like a grandma but more like in her thirties.

"Bonjour mon petit fils!" She said while poking his cheek and kissed it, ah I see.

"Grandma, here is the French tutor, Sophia." Naze introduced us, she looked at me and smiled weakly.

I stepped in front of her and kissed her cheek as I do back in France, she beamed in happiness and returned the kiss.

"Bonjour Madame." I smiled softly.

"Bonjour ma chérie, you can call me Bianca."

"Oh no, I can't! I don't want to show disrespect." I blushed and she chuckled.

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