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"So how was your morning?" Julia asked as soon as we reached the cafeteria, it was big with a lot of Americans students.

"It was cool, I met a guy." I said hiding my excitement, she doesn't need to know that I met my type of guy, I need to know if he's not like the bad boys.

One thing you need to know about me is that I hate bad boys, I literally can't stand them. They are so over problematic.

Arrogant and selfish people, looking for attention and fun. They don't care about our feelings and own the school as if their dad was the owners.

"Cool, well this morning was interesting for me." She said as she took a tray with lasagna and a pot of strawberry. I took a chicken sandwich and a slice of watermelon.

"Tell me everything about it." I urged her and she chuckled, we walked toward a table without annoying kids and sat down.

"So I guess it was in math, there was a guy who stared at me, every time." She emphasized the end of her word and I gasped, she is beautiful and people do stare at her every time, he must be a stalker.

"You got a stalker, go Julia!" I said with a smirk and she blushed.

"Man! That's not even funny, that guy is weird." She whispered and put a strawberry in her mouth.

"He found you pretty and cute, so that's why he couldn't keep away from your beauty." I mocked. It's not like every day she gets a stalker.

"Shut up. I don't think he found me pretty." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"I think that you're the new girl and you know what happens to new kids, they always get stares, it will take some time." I said reassuring her.

"Maybe you're right." She nodded and we ate as we observed everyone. There were people belonging to a group, each group are diverse. The nerd group, the jocks, the drama kids, the music group and finally we have been waiting for, the popular 'aka the bully's'.

Julia and I belong to the nobody groups, it's like you are nothing. I'm fine with it and she is too, it's not like we want attention all the time, besides we are the new kids.

"Hey girl, I don't want to scare you, but there is a hot and sexy guy who is staring at you like a creepy guy. Don't turn around." She warned and I started to turn my back to the way she pointed it out, I don't know why but I'm damn curious.

"Don't even think about it, Sophia." She said already know what is going happen.

"Too late." I muttered and snapped my head to the guy who was staring at me. I heard Julia groaning behind me.

The guy, he was... I have no freaking words. It's like he was craved by the god himself, I never a man like him looking so sexy and handsome. Julia was right, he was staring at me with his hazel eyes, he had an earring and messy bed hair that I can pull through my finger. He caught me looking at him, he smirked and licked his lips. Damn the move baby.

I was flustered and was panicking under his stare full of lust, deep hazel eyes gazing at my blue eyes. It was like we were in a world where there is nobody, only us.

𝐌𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now