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"You can't be serious, Nate." I refused to know that this guy doesn't want me to be with Melvin, it's my right to be with whoever I want to be with.

"I don't care, I don't want you to be with him!" He growled.

"That is none of business, boy!" I spat slowly.

"It is one of my business!"

"Who gave you the right anyway? You're not my boyfriend as I think of it?" I argued making him see the reality, he's definitely not my boyfriend and would never be! Even though I feel attracted to his physical body, I have to let it go since his personality is dirty and can't be a great boyfriend.

"You're right! I'm not your boyfriend, but Melvin will not be your boyfriend though, you know why?" He asked with fury in his eyes.

"Because he's a manipulative little bitch who only cares about you because I was interested in you, but fine since miss sarcastic think that he can be your perfect boyfriend, then go. But don't come to me, crying and saying that I was fucking right!" He yelled.

All of my sarcasm suddenly went away, I felt guilty and sad too. Was he right? Is he playing tricks with me? I don't know, I'm so lost.

I took a deep breath, "whatever I'm out!"

"Fine go! I won't stop you." He said crossing his arms and went to his room immediately.

I scoffed and grab my things to get the hell out of here quickly, this house pisses me off, he pisses me off...everyfucking little thing pisses me off.

Gosh, I need a break!

I call Melvin to cancel our date, I don't want to lash my anger at him right now. After a moment of discussion and decided that it would better to have another date next week. All of my energy went away, Julia choosing this dress, me getting ready for what? For absolutely nothing!

This is all Nate fault and his stupid jealousy!

I hate him so much!

"Fuck you, Nathaniel! I hope you're going to hell!" I yelled at the street for no reason, waiting for the bus to come.

He leaves a young girl, alone in the dark, he didn't propose to drop me at home. What an asshole!

The bus comes in and I get on, well more like stepping in with anger, the driver did a good thing to not talk to me, I get on the far way seat and put on my earphones to listen to calm music.

This motherfucking bitch!

Ugh whatever Sophia don't be angry anymore, he doesn't deserve my attention. Exactly, the next day you're going to ignore him and feel him left out and embarrassed.

What an evil plan! Hahaha.

The next day.

"Hey, brother!" I said happily, he looked at me confused and weird out because I usually don't wake up early, never.

The truth is that I actually didn't have any sleep, I was awake planning my evil plan and also I was anxious so I used all my energy to study. Two bottles of energy drink was a lot but it was worth it though.

"I can see bags underneath your eyes, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm definitely fine!" I said too much energetic.

"Okay, I won't say anything to you because you are a grown-up woman." He blinked his eyes and kept reading his newspaper, just like dads.

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