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We reached the hospital soon, there were hundreds of guards outside of the hospital, I opened the door of the Carson car and ran to the entrance but then get stopped by guards.

"I'm sorry but we can't let you in, the deputy son is inside."

"The deputy son is my boyfriend let me in." I said and tried to walk in but they held my arms.

"Hey! Don't touch me!" I yelled and struggled to get out of their hold.

"Let her go, it's his girlfriend and I'm his best friend." Carson said but the guards don't listen.

"Let them go." A familiar voice said I snapped my head to Paula who was here with her guards behind.

"But Mrs Blackwell, she can't go in!" The guards said which made Paula furious.

"So you are denying access to my future daughter in law! How dare you?! Now get away from them before I fire you!" Paula said coldly and they get away from us, I frowned in confusion when she said I was going to be her future daughter in law. What the fuck?

I didn't have time to ask questions as I ran inside the hospital, my only concern was Nate. As I ran, I saw Naze presence, the nurse told me where is the room was and he was in surgery.

"Naze!" I yelled through the corridor the hospital with Carson following me behind, Nate older brother was there, sat on the ground with his head down and arm around it, tugging his hair crazy, I ran toward him and pulled his arms with me, he hugged me and we stayed for a moment like that.

"It's going to be okay." I stuttered I can't trust my voice shaking from fear, I'm definitely sure that Nate is going to be fun and healthy, I won't lose him, again.

"Sophia, I'm scared if my brother doesn't wake up right now I will kill those bastards!" Naze yelled and breathed heavily while I sat there, looking at the ground, emotionless.

"But do you have any idea who could do this to Nate?" Carson asked with a nostalgic tone, I felt my tears going up again.

"Garcia told me someone sabotaged his car." He groaned and I snapped my head toward him.

"Who could do that?! Why Nate?!" I shouted and pulled Naze together with my fist in his shirt.

"Why did you let him drive? Why the fuck no one was there for him?!" I screamed, letting out my anger to Naze who seems to be calmed from now on.

"Sophia!" Carson shook my shoulder, snapping out of my anger. I moved away and let my head down.

"I'm sorry!" I cried, I felt tears going down on my cheek, I couldn't be bothered to wipe them, it was heartbreaking to see your loved ones to be in bed, looking hurt.

"I love him, so much. That I can't let him go, even though he did a bet with his friends, I can't let him go! I love him so much that I can never leave him!" I sobbed and Carson held me tighter while Naze stared at me with no emotions.

"Mr Blackwell?"

We whipped our heard toward the doctor who called Naze, the doctor flinched at my stare. I cleared my throat and wiped my tears.

"Are you here for Nathaniel Blackwell?" He asked and Carson nodded.

"Well Nathaniel Blackwell is doing fine, the surgery went well. It will take at least 2 weeks for him to wake up." We sighed in relief as we heard the doctor saying that he's well and that he won't be dead, I fall to the ground with a big smile on my face.

"Miss?" I can't hear anything other than the doctor calling me, I felt my eyesight going dark slightly and fell asleep.


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