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"What about this?" Julia asked Ella who shook her head.


"And this?" She showed another dress.

"Eww, not my style." I chuckled and tried to hold my laugh so that Julia won't be furious with me.

"You are worse than Sophia!" She groaned in frustration.

"What can I say? I'm a 19-year-old girl." She shrugged and smirked.

"Don't you want to make yourself beautiful for Carson?" Julia said.

"The #hotboynerd." I winked at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Guys, I like him but I don't think he likes me." She said nervously.

"I think you didn't get the hints, babe you are late." Julia snapped her fingers and found a dress for her.

"Wear this." She said and gave the dress.

"You will look gorgeous if you wear that," I said and she blushed.

"Thank girls." She squealed and went to the bathroom while we high-fived.

"Told you that she will have a crush on Carson." I said while flipping my hair.

"Who would have a crush on this arrogant, unbothered boy?"

"Please he's much better than our man." I rolled my eyes.

"At least he doesn't throw a fit whenever his girl leave." Julia said which made me surprised.

"No fucking way! Nelson did that?!" I yelled and she nodded.

"He's worse than Nate." I added and then Ella gets out of the bathroom, making our jaw dropped.


"Jolie." I winked and she blushed. (Beautiful)

"I know girls let's go party." Julia yelled and we followed her, I looked at my brother who passed out on the couch, I left a note for him so that he won't be worried. I put it on his forehead and get out of the house without forgetting to lock the door. I get in Julia car, Ella was driving since she hates alcohol, I put on a song which we the french girls loves it.

After a moment of driving, we reached the house, Ella parked the car and we get out of the car, the houses were already full, they were college students that are partying and also having a full make-out session in the front yard.

"Eww, a little bit of privacy?" Julia cringed in disgust.

"I'm sure you're talking about yourself." I scoffed which Ella laughed, she pouted and shoved me playfully.

"Not funny."

We entered the house and see that the living room is worse than the front yard, I gasped as I saw peoples having sex with clothes on. I gagged as I saw three people making out, what the fuck?

"I think there are drugs here." Ella said which I regret coming here, I totally regret it.

"Let's just go home." I said but Julia grabbed my arms.

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