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"I don't know why but you are being an idiot." I said as I glared at him.

"No this is guy is not handsome, besides I'm hot than him." He winked at me and I scoffed.

"Shut up! He's my husband." I sassed and watched my husband who is already taken.

We are now watching my favourite manga which is Kaichou wa maid sama, it's a great one and the guy is hot. I'm in the bed with him, he put his head on my lap and forced me to run my fingers on his hair. It is soft and satisfying to run their fingers through his hair, I think he takes care of his hair carefully.

"So what are we right now?" I asked him who looked up and stare at me.

"I don't know to be honest I like you Sophia and it's not a joke, I really like you and want to be your boyfriend. But I don't know about you." He said.

He literally confessed to me!

What the heck?!

I thought that he was going to be conservative, mysterious. I didn't expect to be that quick.

Sophia, stop thinking.

"I have no idea, maybe we should get to know each other." I stuttered and bites my lips, all of a sudden Nate sat up, turning off the TV and leaned in close to me.

"I will wait for you but I'm not patient so you better make up your mind." He mumbled huskily and smashed his lips against mine roughly, he bites my lower lips and I granted him, he thrust his tongue, tasting the inside of my mouth as soon as he finished tasting my mouth, he let me go.

As I gasped for air, he trailed his lips on my jaw, down to my neck and searched my soft spot, I moaned softly as he kept his hot mouth on my skin when I moaned loudly, it seems like he found my spot.

"Found it." He grinned and focused on this part, he kissed and sucked harder, making a little bruise on my neck.

"Stop it." I said after breathing like a crazy woman. He let go of my poor neck after leaving a lick, he stared at my neck and smirked.

"Beautiful artwork I have ever made."

"No way, you made a hickey!" He nodded quickly and I ran to the bathroom, looking at the reddish and purple bruise on my neck, especially on my soft spot.

"I can't believe you did this." I said to Nate, smirking, who is behind me, leaning on the wall. He comes close to me, grabbed my waist and pecked the love bite.

"You're beautiful." He said looking right at me in the mirror. I smiled, I know it seems like I'm rushing but I can feel an attraction between us.

He nuzzled in between my neck and we stayed like that for a while, and it also took me some time to think about this. If I should be in a relationship with him or not.

"Fine. I will be your girlfriend." I said after arguing with my conscience.

He turned my body toward me quickly and looked at me with a big grin.

"Do you really want to be my girlfriend?" He asked and I nodded while biting my lips.

"Yes! Oh my god! I have been waiting for this!" He yelled in joy as he lifted me up and spin me, I giggled and hold his shoulder for support.

"We should celebrate this." He said and took out his phone, I looked at him confused.

"My french woman is actually my girlfriend." He whispered and jumped out of happiness like a kid, I giggled and smile softly as he acted like a kid who got his present.

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