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"Honey I missed you!" His mother hugged him, he groaned and choked since his mother is hugging him tightly.

"Mother, I can't breathe!" He choked.

"We missed you, Nate." His father said and patted his head, I looked at him, leaning on the wall with a smile. He was back and I'm having fun with him. Everyone was happy with Nate, he was fine and healthy but the only thing that bothered me was they didn't find the culprit. Nate noticed me and beckoned for me to come close, I shook my head and let him enjoy his time with his family, he glared at me and tilted his head to come but before I can walk inside, Brandon held my shoulders and dragged me out of here.

He dragged me into an empty space where Kyle was here, I frowned in confusion and glared at them.

"Seriously?" Kyle asked and Brandon shrugged.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"Well, I brought you here because you need to know about something important that concern Nate." Brandon replied which I widened my eyes and stared at him.

"Dude, do you really have to tell her?" Kyle sighed as he rubbed his forehead.

"Let Uncle Brandon do his job." He replied and Kyle glared at him.

"I'm not Carlos, alright." He snapped and Brandon rolled his eyes.

"Okay anyway, what happened?" I said with impatience.

"The culprit is actually is his enemy Oscar River." Brandon said and I frowned in confusion, Kyle noticed and took out of his bag and showed me a newspaper.

"Oscar River is a gang leader in Florida, he always hated Nate because he won every race so like the pussy he is, he fucking sabotaged his car." Kyle explained and I clenched my fist in anger, this pussy hurt Nate because he wanted to win. He's dead.


"So you're going to act like a pickpocket person, you are going to steal his wallet and run toward the empty street where we are going to catch him, alright?" Kyle said and I nodded.

Here am I, standing in front of the restaurant waiting for Oscar to come out. This little bitch is laughing and drinking, fucktard!

I breathed slowly and put my hands on my pocket and whistled, I was excellent at acting so it's going to be quick. I glanced at the restaurant and see him going out, I walked close to him, making it look like I bumped into him accidentally. He stumbled and dropped his wallet, I crouched down and picked his wallet then sprinted.

"Hey! You bitch!" He yelled and ran after me, I started running faster.

Reach the fucking red street!

I ran and searched for a red street, I found the street and sprinted toward the street with the man following me behind. I get in and tossed the wallet to Brandon who was hiding, Kyle took a step in front and pointed the gun to Oscar who held his hand up in surrender.

"M-mafia boss." He stuttered and Kyle smirked.

"Who is laughing right now?" Brandon taunted and leaned against the wall.

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