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Third POV.

"I'm sorry for the disturbance that my sister did, I didn't know that she didn't eat, she was too busy on her studying and you know exam." Elliot chuckled nervously but when he saw the face of the doctor not laughing at his joke, he showed his face emotionless.

"This is not a joke Mr Manson, please take care of your sister." The doctor scolded and leave the room, as soon as he left the room, Elliot let out a sigh that he's been holding and glared at his sister laying on the bed peacefully while he had to deal with the scolding.

"I can't believe this!" He grunted and tugged his hair when he heard the school administration saying that his sister fainted, his heart dropped in a heartbeat. He couldn't leave her sister like this so he ran out of his office and drove to the hospital that she was in, he was surprised to see two handsome boys standing with her.

Sophia opened her eyes suddenly and breathed as she glanced at Elliot who was flouncing crazily, she knew that she fucked up and squeezed her eyes shut quickly as he looked at her.

"I hate you, you, young lady are going to be dead once you wake up." He mumbled and glared at her, he can't wait to scold her once she wakes up.

"I need coffee." He groaned and stomped out of the hospital, the girl sighed in relief and struggled to sit up.

She knew that she fucked up, she was too engrossed in having revenge that she didn't have breakfast, in her stomach was only energetic drinks and coffee which is a bad composition.

She heard the door slamming loudly, she was hesitant if she should shut her eyes and listen to the conversation but shrugged off and think that it would be the nurse or doctor.

Unfortunately, her wish was the contrary of what she wanted.

"How on hell you ended up here?!" The voice shouted in the room making her ears bleed.

"Can you lower your voice down? Please, Nate." She said quietly.

"And that's the only thing you're saying to me." He scoffed and sat next to her.

"What should I say to you? You're not my family so you shouldn't come in here." She rolled her eyes.

"Well, I care for you, dumb girl." He retorted.

"If you were in my seat then I wouldn't care for you so why are you doing this?" She sighed.

He scoffed, "so you wouldn't come here if I was in the hospital? My tutor doesn't care for me. Woah that's a new thing!"

"Get used to it, idiot." She mumbled.

"It was sarcasm, of course, I would force you to come here."

"Yeah right keep dreaming."

"Are you french?" He asked and she looked at him in shock. He wanted to light her mood since she was grumpy.

"I am. Why do you ask me that even though you already knew the answer?" She asked suspiciously.

"Because Eiffel for you." He said sternly and laughed at his own pickup lines.

Sophia groaned and rubbed her forehead, annoyed.

"You know Eiffel is pronounced like 'I fell'. Hahaha." He said nervously and then frowned as he saw the girl face not laughing at his joke.

"Why are you not laughing?"

"Firstly this joke is popular in France which I'm probably sure that you found it on the internet and secondly I'm not in the mood of joking but of dying." She hissed harshly.

"How did you know I found it on the Internet? Because I texted Nelson who said that he made it." He said innocently taking out his phone.

Sophia slapped her forehead and sighed.

"Look I'm about to die so you have to distract my brother while I get out of here." She hates him but he was the only one who can help her get out of this.

"I won't let you die Sophia." Nate said firmly and she closed her eyes as a sign of annoyance.

"Please I need your help!" She pleaded, as soon as he heard her pleading, he smirked.

"Alright I will help you but in return, you have to do something for me." He said, making a deal for her.

"What is it?" She grunted.

"You have to stay for three days with me on the campus." He said.

"What! I won't do that." She couldn't accept his deal, she prepared the ultimate revenge and now has to stay with him for three days!

"It's whether this or gets killed by your brother unless you can have sex with me." He said proposing another option.

"Nah I'm going to stay with you for only three days." She said sternly, there was no way she will have sex with him.

"Alright, I will help you distract your brother but first let me call my mom that I'm here and I have to yell at Nelson for making this up." He said and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You need to call your mom for what?" She asked.

"I have to say to her that I'm with a special girl in the hospital because she still cares for me and is protective of me." He said with a grin, to be honest, he was actually killing time, he didn't need his mom permission or anything from her. He just wanted to enjoy Sophia presence.

"Are you eight dummy?"

"No, but I love my mom so I have to reassure her." He smiled and called her.

"Mommy I'm staying at the hospital with a special girl." He said in a childish voice, making her heart melt in happiness.

"Hmm don't worry I will come home after seeing her, don't forget to make your amazing pizza!" He said and hanged up the call.

"That was so cute." She gushed, she loved how the bad boy was taking care of his mom, she didn't know that he could be like this. If only he was like this to everyone.

"Next is Nelson." He said in a cold voice, she shivered and looked at the window in panic.

"Hurry up! You don't have a lot of time!" She said in a hurry.

"Calm down girlie." He said and put the phone in his ear. After a minute of arguing and yelling on his phone, he sighed and get up.

"Let's distract your brother, don't forget our deal. I have recorded our conversation so you have to do what I said or I will kidnap you." He said in amusement as he went out of the room with a smirk, leaving a traumatized Sophia.

"He wasn't joking, if he wants to do this then he will." She remembered Melvin saying this, suddenly she felt frightened.

She knew right away that she played with fire.

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