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"I'm going to show you how to not mess with a mafia boss." The guy said as he walked closer to me, around us there is a large crowd that has formed, I tried to think of a way to get out of this situation.

As he walked closer to me, I was thinking of defending myself. I took a step back, in my fighting position and took off my high heels. I didn't care about the crowd, I only cared about my safety. He looked at me with a confusing glance and while pushing a loud scream, I kicked his nut sacks making him hold his private part quickly and bend down in pain.

People gasped and whispered, I ran toward out of the crowd pushing people and reached a beautiful garden outside the party, I stepped out of the venue and went toward the pretty flowers on the bush.


I turned my head to the familiar voice, he looked at me with a smirk and walked toward me, I rolled my eyes.

"That was amazing." He said and I chuckled.

"This guy told me I was a worthless bitch so I had to defend myself." I said proudly while tapping my chest.

"It would be better if I don't tell you who is it." He smiled and held a hand for me, I took it and we walked back to the party.

"I want to leave." I whispered.

"Are you sure?" I nodded and he sighed.

"Alright then let me say goodbye to people who I know, just go stand outside the hall and don't leave without me." He warned and I nodded, he went away while I walked away from the hall, they were people staring, I think they were there when I kicked the guy.

I stood outside the hall, waiting for Nate to finished his business. I call in my phone to Julia to catch up, she said that everything has been going well without me and that she hated Grace Smith which I don't even know her to be honest. Or maybe forgot.

I watched as Nate walked toward me with a guy beside him, talking.

"This is James, Jenna brother." Nate introduced him to me, I smiled and he gave a smile back. He was older than us maybe three or four years and had a ring on his finger which means he was married.

"I'm Sophia." I said shaking his hand.

"I'm glad that you finally settled with girls." James smirked at Nate who rolled his eyes.

"Anyway I have to find Fiona, it's been fun to meet you. Have a nice day." He said and did a handshake to him. He left us and we walked toward his car and sat down.

"I didn't meet Kyle." I said staring at the window.

"He was hurt." He said turned on the ignition, I smirked.

"Good for him. How did he get hurt?" I asked with a grin and Nate turned to me with a grin too, that's weird he was supposed to feel sympathy for his friend.

"Actually a girl stumbled across him and he was holding champagne in his hand that fell on his blazer, the girl got so mad and he was also mad then Kyle walked close to her and that's where the fun part is that she kicked him in the nuts." He laughed and I laughed too, that was something that I could have watched.

Wait a minute.

Suddenly I just realized that the girl who had the guts to do that to a mafia boss Poor me.

I screamed making him swerved the car and stopped the car, he looked at me with a concerned look.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he held my cheek, I looked at him and hit his arm.

"You dickhead!" I yelled and hit his arms again and again.

"It hurts!" He whined in pain.

"Shut the fuck up you asshole! I can't believe I did this." I pinched his thighs harder making him groaned out of pain.

"Me too, I couldn't believe it." He said and started the car, I glared at him.

"Oh my god. I'm going to be dead." I said with my head down as I tugged my hair.

"Don-don't worry, it's going to be okay." He said and touched my shoulder in a comforting way while driving, I couldn't help but leash my anger on him.

"Don't touch me, stupid asshole!" I said punching his shoulder, him moaning in pain tried to push me away while he was driving.


"LA here am I!" I yelled in joy as I ran to the street of Hollywood, I was still pissed but not too much, the tourist looked at us in a weird way. It's true that we are still wearing our party outfit. I glanced at Nate who rubbed his arms in pain as he glared at me, I giggled and stared at the street who have names on the stars.

"Oh, Angelina Jolie." I said and looked at the star of her name, I pulled my phone to take a picture, but there was an obese guy standing on it.

"Excuse me, can you move please?" I asked the guy, he turned around with two hot dogs in his hand and tomato sauce on his lips.

"Nah bro, leave me alone." He said to me and turned around.

"What the fuck is wrong?" Nate asked as he looked at the obese guy who wouldn't move and made me pissed, again.

"This shitface won't move." I gritted between my teeth.

"Let me do it." He sighed but I stopped him.

"I'm going to show not to call me bro again." I said darkly as I pushed his shoulder.

"What the fuc-" He cut off seeing me again, he sighed and get ready to yell at me.

"Listen uglyshit, get the fuck out of Angelina star before I kick you in the nuts and you won't have any babies." I threatened him, he looked behind me and got frightened then ran away from us.

"See, told you that I could handle it." I said smugly to Nate who was behind me, he gave me a fake smile and put his hands in his pocket.

"Take a picture of me." I said to him as he caught my phone.

"Yes, Miss Manson." He sighed in exasperation and hold the camera in front of me while I did a pose with the peace sign.

"Done." He said and gave back my phone, I gasped in horror.

"Idiot! The photo is blurry, do it again." I ordered.

"I don't know how to take pictures." He cried out of frustration.

"I don't fucking care, take it or we will stay here!" I threatened him to take a hundred pictures of me and Angeline Jolie.

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