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"Solene it's your first day at school and you are not waking up!" My wife yelled from upstairs, I chuckled and drink my coffee slowly.

"I don't want to wake up!" My daughter who is seven yelled.

"You awake young girl, why are you talking then?" Sophia said sarcastically.

I huffed and rubbed my forehead tiredly.

It's been years since I have been married to Sophia, those years have been the best. She got pregnant on our honeymoon in Bali and had our little girl Solene.

"Dad helps me, mom is torturing me again!" Solene ran downstairs and hugged me, I lifted her up and put her on my waist.

"Solene-" Sophia started to yell but saw me, she sighed and glared at me.

"Baby, what is it?" I asked innocently.

"You are spoiling her too much." She said and put her bag on the counter.

"She's my only daughter." I shrugged and pecked her cheek.

"Aww, kissing scene, I want Matt to be like that to me." Solene squealed and I turned toward her with a glare.

"Who is Matt?!" I asked with anger.

"Mommy!" Solene yelled and Sophia shook her head as if she can't help her.

"Let's go, we are late for school, see you soon honey." Sophia said and kissed my lips then ran outside the house with Sophia and her bag in her hand. I scowled and walked to my car in the direction of the office.

As I turned on the engine, I called my assistant and drives while waiting for him to pick up the call.

"Hey, dude, what's wrong?" David asked, David is my friend for the past years, Carter gave me to his assassin David who is my friend.

"Find out everything about Matt, Solene's classmate." I said angrily.

"Bro, what the fuck? You want me to know a little boy past?" He yelled.

"Don't fucking any questions and just do it!" I ordered.

"Right Nate." David sighed and hanged up. I breathed heavily and heard a ring, I glanced at the caller ID and see it's my wife.

"Fuck, shit!" I cursed and parked my car in a car, I checked outside if there was any camera. My wife is a detective and she controls all the cameras around our neighbourhood here in Florida. Right now she's working on a case of gangsters, but little did she know that I already found them, their identity and address.

"Baby, how are you?" I asked with a little panic in my voice.

"Nate, I know you're panicked about something, which I'm going to know." Sophia said with determination.

"I don't know, what are you talking about?" I said innocently.

"I know you told David to search Matt past! You dickhead!" She yelled.

David! You fucking shithead!

"Detective Blackwell, keep it down." Her superiors hissed harshly, I wanted to show her who she's talking to, but Sophia warned me and didn't want me to reveal her identity, even her father-in-law is controlling all the forces defense.

"Sorry Detective Karl." She apologized.

"I had to do this, my daughter is hanging out with a male." I reasoned.

"So what? A younger male, Nate!" She shouted.

"Detective Blackwell, last warning!" Her superior roared.

"Sorry, I'm taking this call out." She said and then came back to me.

"Anyway, stop doing this, if you are still doing this I will kill you." She threatened.

"You can't kill me, honey!" I smirked.

"You're right, but I would not let you sleep in the room for 2 months, you will have a fucking cold shower for 2 months. And I will do it!" She warned and I gulped, there is no way I can hold 2 months without her touch and sex with her.

"Alright, I will stop it." I lied, there is no way I would let my precious daughter hanging out with boys that I don't know, she even said that she loves him. How stupid is that?!

"You better do this before I—" She gets interrupted by a man, wait a minute. A fucking man!

"Sof, want to eat lunch with us?" The guy asked my wife.

"Sure Hunter, Nate I will see you at home, have a good day at work, and please don't fire anyone." She said, and hang up the phone.

I, Nate Blackwell, was furious for the first time in 5 years. Why did she accept lunch with a fucking male?! She was married for god's sake!

I pulled the tracker on my phone and searched where she is. I know I may be stupid by putting a tracker on my phone but I have a lot of enemies even though she's a detective who can fight, I don't want her to be hurt. I swerved the car and go to the restaurant that they are having lunch.

After a moment of driving, I parked quickly and ran to the restaurant, slamming it open and searched them, she was sitting with two boys. Without a doubt, I walked toward them with an emotionless face.

"So how long have guys been together?" She asked the boys didn't answer as they looked at me, Sophia turned her head behind and yelped.

"Nate, what the fuck are you doing here?" She asked.

"Who are them?" I asked casually and sat next to her.

"You were supposed to be at work?" She said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I was supposed to be, but some fuckers decided to hit on my wife." I glared at them, sending my dangerous look. 

"What? You thought they were hitting on me?" She giggled and the boys laughed.

"Why are you giggling about?" I snapped.

"Guys, this is my over-possessive and jealousy husband Nate, CEO of the Blackwell company." She introduced me to them.

"Baby, they are my partners, Grayson and Hunter also they are in a relationship." She emphasized the word relationship and just made me feel like a dumb person.

"Oh right." I muttered and pulled my bottom lip with shame.

"Yeah, we are, anyway we will be going. I see you later, Sophia." Grayson said, and she waved at them.

"Fuck you, Nathaniel, great first impression." She rolled her eyes.

"What? I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Great, Nate, just great." She grumbled and eat ice cream.

"Let's eat ice cream." She said, pushing the ice cream toward me. I smirked and ate it with her.

Kissing her is my favourite hobby. Holding her is my favourite pastime.

Hi friendly people, first, thank you! And I love you so much this story is so cute and funny too lol. Thank you for freaking 4K and also if you want something to read you have Blaze. 

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