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She's beautiful.

Too damn beautiful.

How can a girl like her exist in this nasty world?

I was actually sitting right next to her, beside her. I brought my chair close to her just to sniff her scent.


"Nathaniel!" She yelled causing me to widen my eyes, I hummed in response.

"Focus!" She said and pouted, she's trying to be stern but unfortunately for her, it just makes her look cute.

I didn't like the way my older brother looked at her, I always hate him. He was only older by 1 year but I still hate him, it's like we are best friend but still hate each other. It's kinda complicated to explain.

No one should look at her like that, only me, obviously.

"I can't believe this! Again, you are spacing out." She groaned and slammed her book on the table.

"I'm sorry, you just looked too cute that I couldn't stop thinking." I flirted, giving her my dashing smile but she just rolled her eyes. Did I get rejected?

"Let's do this for the last time if you don't cooperate well I will quit!" She warned opening her french book, again.

"Alright baby." I sighed and she glared at me, I still kept my smile hoping that it will have an effect on her but I don't think it does. That's weird, girls blushed softly as they saw me giving them a smile, she's not normal.

"D'accord, donc on va parler des bases de la langue française." (So we are going to talk basic french language) She said in french, holy fuck! She's hot speaking like that, I wonder how she will scream in french when I have her down on the bed. Just the thought of her makes me horny again. How am I going to calm my little junior down now?

"I'm going to start having a conversation in French and you will answer me in the same language." She continued and I nodded, I adjusted my pants before putting my hand on my cheek leaning on the table and gazed at her figure looking at the book with her glasses.

"Salut, moi c'est Sophia et j'ai 20 ans, je viens de finir mon bac et je suis ici pour accomplir mon rêve, you turn?" ( Hey I'm Sophia, I'm 20 and I recently got graduated and I'm here to accomplish my dream) She said turning to my side, I gulped.

"Hey, moi c'est Nathaniel et j'ai 21 ans, je suis le fils du député et j'adore les meufs comme toi." (Hey, I'm Nathaniel and I'm 21, I'm the son of the deputy and I love girls like you) I winked at her and she just again rolled her eyes, I absolutely don't understand her attitude. I mean she should now fall in love with me or have a little crush on me?

"You know french and can talk fluently, why do you need a tutor?" She asked and I sighed.

"I don't know? Ask my grandma."

"Whatever, it's not like I'm doing this for free." She sighed and put her books in her bag, I frowned my eyebrows in confusion.

"What are you doing?" I said and sat up straight and looked at her. She couldn't just leave me for minutes.

"Our 1 hours is over, I need to go home." She stated and put her jacket on. Hours?! Bro, it was seconds!

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