The Last Straw [1]

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[Inner's POV]

It's been a whole week since my birthday. Thanksgiven and I are just.. Just a couple. Those couples who are couples just because they're deemed as the high school power couple. One very much without love, law and order but full of mediocre. I didn't sign up for this. I say to myself.

But I'm not here in this relationship to gain fame (Not that I'm not already popular), I just want my boyfriend the realize that he can be the best version of himself. For him to realize that there's more to him than fooling around with girls, drinking his sorrows away, partying like there's no tomorrow especially with all these 'after farewell parties' murders.

Yep. Since from 2013, after every November pens down party, someone we know and love has had to be murdered. The previous year, it was this guy whom I personally did not know but was stabbed to death, all because of his expensive shoes and clothes. From my side both years, Thanksgiven had been there at the same club where the two previous victims were and nearby where the murders occurred.

Every Friday night, Saturday night, I've had to stand in the gap for him to be safe. I would continually pray that may God keep him safe. I waited every weekend early morning until around 04:00 just to get a call or a WhatsApp voice note from him, just for him to tell me that he's safe. Somehow, some things in our relationship are still in tact.

It's Friday today. School got out pretty early since it's Friday and maan. I can't wait to be with Thankgiven. With the way I love him, I even let my social status guard down. With my reputation at school, being seen with a boyfriend especially in school uniform could spell disaster (A whole week of being scolded by different teachers. Heck! Even my parents finding out). Now that.. is the last reality I would like to face.

As I meet up with my boyfriend, we talk and walk as we always do. I love spending time with him. Be it around school, at home but more especially after school. We have lengthy walks and yeah.. We get death glares from guys and girls but we're used to it now. I mean, I'm head over heels to even let haters opinions of us to get to me.

As we approach our usual spot (or rather corner) he starts with his smooth talks. I'm used to them and I love them, but at times they could only be coated with disaster as we would end up getting into an argument, an emotional battle within this already emotional rollercoaster we're riding.

We talk a bit more until I hear, "I have something to tell you." he says. Now.. Don't get me wrong, but it's like a guy upon hearing the words "We need to talk." I look at him deep in his dark brown orbs. As for his face, he keeps it stone cold as he's known for never smiling nor grinning. But not around me, well.. I'm the only one who could bring out those dimples and see those sharply curved canines of his. Yeah, I know. I even love his teeth for that matter.

How our conversation went. Flashback.

Thanksgiven: "Inner I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. It's been a while now." he started.
Me: "Sorry you can't do what anymore? And what are you exactly talking about?" I asked as I was both confused and.. Clueless.
Thanksgiven: "Inner as you know, where I come from I used to do what I wanted and I would get it. With you I know it's impossible. So I'm just gonna tell you anyways. I uhm.. I-I've found her." he said, nervously looking at me.
Me: "I thought you knew and understood very well that I'm not one of your exes. And I'm definitely not going to sleep with you just because you 'have needs.' I'm sorry but I'm not ready. And what do you mean you've found her? Found who?" I said and asked already feeling hurt and not comprehending why do I have to be deflowered. I mean, I'm in high school, I'm seventeen and I'm not willing to sleep with my boyfriend or anyone for that matter.
Thanksgiven: "I.. I, ahem. I.. Uhh. I've found myself a side chick so that I could, you know." He says nervously rubbing his neck.
Me: "What!? Are you telling me that there is another girl you've been with and you are sleeping with her? Oh my God! I can't believe you. Really Tee. And does she know that she's the side chick?" I scoffed at him.
Thanksgiven: "Inner please be fair. If I'm not gonna do it with you, I might as well do it with somebody else who's willing. And no, I can't tell her she's a side. Please be fair. You know I love you, so please babe." he said beginning to beg me.
Me: "Yeah right. She doesn't know because you tell her that you've broken up with me and she's the main. Wow! I can't even believe this. So where do I stand now? Is myself and your.. Your whatever, gonna take turns in seeing you now?" I asked still in disbelief of what I was hearing.
Thanksgiven: "Well. You don't have to be my girlfriend. We'll still be able to meet but I can't really promise you when or for how long. I'll be a bit busy from now on. But Uhh.. You can tell me when you want me. But I'm not promising to come when you need my presence. And I.. I gotta go. You know it's Friday. So bye Inner." Thanksgiven said as he started to leave me, just.. Standing there.

I walked to my house feeling all the weight on my shoulders. "God, why." I said, asking out loud. I have to keep my cool until I get home. Well, at night that is. I can't just cry myself a river in front of my parents with no 'adult proof' reason.

I got home, did my routine. Mom came in with my food. I decided not to do my homeworks as my feelings were on their peak. I was an emotional rollercoaster. An emotional tornado, waiting to happen. I decided to log on to WhatsApp and just.. Chat with my friends. Upon opening it, as usual bombarded with texts from my loving friends. Out of all the texts, two caught my eyes. One was from Sassy and the other from Dinny. I decided to open Sassy's first and Dinny's after.

Sass: "Hey boo, how are you?" she had texted about half an hour ago.
Me: "Hey hun. I'm good thanks and how are you?" I asked her in response.
Sass: "I'm good hun. What's going on?🤔" she asked.
Me: "What do you mean what's going on? 😕 I'm not sure if I follow babe." honestly, I was clueless at that point.
Sass: "I'm talking about Teenah. Something is going on and you're keeping quiet about it.🧐" she said and I immediately knew something was up.
Me: "What have you seen or heard now?😳" I asked both panicked and confused.
Sass: "Boyfriend's display Pic babe.😬" I sighed heavily and braced myself for what I was about to do.

I immediately went to Thanksgiven's profile. I noticed a different girl on my boyfriend's display picture. I said different because, this wasn't the first time he'd done such a thing and probably wouldn't be the last, although I prayed and hoped that it would stop. Being overcome by anxiety to know who the girl is, I tapped on it. To my surprise, the girl looked both familiar and very much unfamiliar. I went back to my chat with Sass.

Me: "Well babe. That must be the 'side chick' and yeah. That's what's popping at the mo.🤦🏼" I said as my heart clenched. The tears I tried holding back, now were impossible to further suppress.
Sass: "Oh honey, I tried talking to him about it. But you know your man.🤷🏼He shut me off just like I'm only your friend.😒" Sass said.
Me: "Well babe. It's for good reasons I guess.. However, whatever happens I'll accept it. I'm just too tired right now.😔" My response was sent to her as I sniffled, tears were then rolling on my face non stop.
Sass: "OK babes. Just be strong alright. Love you.❤️❤️🤗"
Me: "Love you more sis.😘 Thanks and take care.❤️🤗" I sent the text deciding to head to Dinny's texts seeing her currently online.

Hey guys.
What do you make of Teenner so far?
Teenner: Characters Ship name.. Pronounced as TeeNah.😘

Please vote, comment and share.😉
Thank you for reading.🤗

Much love.

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