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The whole night, Doyoung was engulfed in the thoughts of those unusual tattoos.

What were they? What did they signify; in general and to Taeyong? Was what Ten said true?

Doyoung kept telling himself he shouldn't be bothered by this, but some drunk part of him urged him to find out more about those weird tattoos.

So eventually, Doyoung decided on seeking help from the most trustable source ever.


He grabbed his phone and searched up what roses meant as tattoos only to receive the usual sappy interpretations that they represent love and happiness.

Extraordinary, even google has betrayed him.

But then again, Doyoung couldn't blame Google for those shitty results for the usual convention associated with roses was love after all.

But something about those roses screamed abnormal. Too perfect and too artificial, yet so alluring.

Regardless, Doyoung should just ignore it, right? He is most definitely over thinking right now.

So, pushing all those thoughts aside , Doyoung opened his phone to call his bestie, Qian Kun.

After three rings, Kun, in all his mighty glory, finally picked the call up. "It is a good time to sleep, don't you think so ,Doyoung" He said in a highly sardonic manner.

"Shut up, Kun. " Doyoung grinned, well aware of the sassy side of Kun that pops up due to sleep deprivation. "I just can't sleep now, despite it being a very good time to sleep."

"Well, start a parade, then. Or maybe go interview a bunch of cannibalistic men."Kun said to an epoch of silence from Doyoung's side. Later he continued "Ok, take a walk then." With that, he cut the call.

Doyoung sighed in annoyance as he considered Kun's suggestions. After a brief four minutes, he decided to go on a walk after all, considering the fact that other too options were either of high budget or high risk.

He pulled his black jacket from the stand and flung it across his shoulders as he headed for the front street.

As soon as he stepped out of his apartment, the frosty wind folded its way onto his skin, biting him subtly.

The street was empty with a few blinkering street lights with the usual sounds of cars and traffic absent. There was clear silence screaming in his ears as he continued walking down.

The night sky was draped in a silky shade of deep blue with occasional studs of diamonds. The wind blew slowly through the folds of his coat as leaves raced across the stoned pathway.  It was the type of a night when Doyoung felt the strength of nature's everlasting beauty.

No matter how many times Doyoung saw the sky, its beauty was still so new, robbing his breath every time.

Doyoung took each and every aspect of the night as he continued walking, occasionally realising some new feature of the street. He rarely had time to walk around thanks to his homework and assignments.

He walked on and on until the silence was shattered by a single ring of metal. The sound wavered and erupted as weird noises from the alley at the end of the street.

Sounds of uneven breathing,muffled cries and silent tears. The metalic ring of knives and nails. A subtle, lunatic laughter, almost inhumane.

Doyoung knew he should run, but something inside him told him not to. Some small voice told him to save the person who was suffering.

And then Doyoung took a decision he wished he didnt.

He ran down the alley to see Taeyong carefully carving down onto the skin of a young boy, 15 years old at the maximum. The boy was crying tears and blood as Taeyong went on carving mercilessly, until he raised his head and looked at Doyoung with a mad smile.

"Aah, Doyoung", he mused," I thought you knew better."

Taeyong walked up to Doyoung with steady steps and steel eyes, a wicked smile playing on his lips.

"Oh no, my dear Doyoung. Didn't you know that it was curiosity that killed the cat?"


No, I'm not a violence loving blood hound.

I'm in fact a very easy going person. Though not many may say that.

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