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The soft violin tunes graced the air in the old room that sat at the end of the hallway. It was decorated in green wallpaper and lengthy curtains with Victorian finishes at the end.

Three men sat at the table as the clock struck noon. They reached for the porcelain cups as if in sync. They didn't look at each other in eyes but were very comfortable with each other's presence.

The light in the room was only from the lamps at each corner of the room. Marble statues of winged people decorated the roof as they looked down upon the men, with careful eyes made by trained hands.

"Our existence is not completely a secret anymore" said one man with Cheshire like eyes and a slim mouth.

"We are aware. There is no need to remind me that again."  Said another man with prominent facial bones.
A short reply, but scary enough due to the subtle anger that was laced into his voice.

"Calm down Jaehyun. Getting angry at John is of no use. You know it's not his fault" said a man with red hair braided to perfection.

"I know that too, Yuta. I know that." Jaehyun sighed, "but my anger does not seem to come to an end."

"We will think through it. We have came this far and we will not stop now." John said as he bought his cup to his mouth with a mad glint in his eyes, completely contradicting the serene expression on his face. "If we can't find a way, then we will build the way".


Doyoung felt like he was beaten with shoes as he got up.

His whole body ached and his head throbbed intensely. He was blindfolded, his hands were tied together with ropes and his mouth was shut with tape.

It was probably day for he could make out the outlines of the objects through his blindfold because of the sunlight.

Great. He ended up getting kidnapped due to his irrelevant interest in Taeyong.

Now all he could think about was how he should have just stayed home. Probably bake a cake or something.

But no. Of course not. His curiosity ended him in this pathetic situation where the end might not be pleasing at all.

He knew he had to leave this place before anything worse would happen. Well, that is, if anything more worse could happen.

He was in the worst condition ever.

But that didn't stop him from struggling madly to rip open the ropes and tape. He moved like a seal and rolled all over the floor, occasionally hurting himself by colliding with some odd piece of furniture.

He was so engrossed in rolling around that he didn't notice two people walk in and stare at him. And then Doyoung heard a voice.
"He seems quiet dim witted, Tae. He didn't even notice us standing here for the past 11 minutes. You sure he is a threat to us?"

"I'm not sure if he is a threat actually. I just bought him here because he saw things he shouldn't."
"Aah. I see."
" Yeah."

Wait. Did those people just call him dim witted? Doyoung felt a sense of hurt ego run through his veins. He couldn't believe it.

Him? Kim Doyoung? The amazing guy who got into the top medical college in the whole country of NstateT just got called dim witted?

Oh, hell no.

"Maybe if you had removed these unnecessary ropes and tape, I could have probably noticed you guys." Doyoung said with confidence of unknown origin.

The other guys just chuckled and ignored him.
"What a fun guy you got, Taeyong. He would be good use to us."

Roses are red
You know that too
In the end
Doyoung became a fool.

Just kidding, I love Doyoung.

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