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Taeil dragged Doyoung up into the shed of his.

He went to one of the two doors which were initially closed. Fitting in the perfect little key into the lock, he swung open the door with the small placard reading 'DUMP'.

Doyoung felt a dull sense of disappointment in him. Was Taeil really throwing him into a dump?

Expecting rotten bananas or used tissues, Doyoung braced himself for the slick texture and rotten smell of garbage. But sadly, none of them came.

Instead, he was met with the metallic scent he often smelled in the hospitals.

The subtle smell of the red blood filled his nose and he immediately looked up, afraid of why the smell was coming. He felt himself pale when he looked at the scene in front of him.

This was deplorable in all ways.

Rows and rows of dead bodies hung from the ceiling like coats in a wardrobe. Their bodies were all clad in black, their faces with masks on them.

The reeked of death and blood, some of them already rotting. Fallen pieces of muscle adorned the floor with rare ivory white bones peeking through.

Doyoung felt sick in the stomach. Never had he seen so much of death, never had he looked at dead men held on at such a display.

He drove himself to a corner in the metal shed and hugged himself like a mad dog. He felt like as though a thousand centipedes were crawling on him with their hundred legs.

Voices of the hanged men whispered into his ears, telling him horrid tales of their pasts. They put their cold souls onto him, weaving a shell around him.

Doyoung could not bare this anymore.

He bent into himself and began weeping. Loud and clear, his wails went up into the air. His body shivering and his breaths rough.

He was close to collapsing when a strong hand held his shoulder and pulled his face towards it.

Doyoung looked up to meet the only face he wanted to see, Lee Taeyong.

Relief flooded him as he fell into Taeyong's chest, his arms around his waist and his face in his neck. "Taeyong." Doyoung said, "You have no idea what I've done."

Taeyong rubbed his back, "I know what you did. I know all about it." He said in a slow voice that was starkly painful. "How?" Doyoung asked.

At this, Taeyong froze, "I...knew it from the beginning." He said hesitantly.

Oh no, another arrow to Doyoung's heart.

He pushed Taeyong away from him, his tears flowing again, "What do you mean? From the beginning? Why didn't you tell me I was going to kill normal people?!" He demanded.

Doyoung couldn't believe this.

The one person he thought he could trust played him like a doll. Like he was nothing more than a puppet that was meant to do it's controller's bidding.

"You knew this all the time and yet you made me do this! I killed people, Taeyong! You know I can't take this! I just joined a few months ago dammit!" Doyoung weeped.

"I'm so sorry, Doyoung. I'm so sorry. But there was nothing I could do. The minute I tell you anything, Taeil was told to slit your throat. It was either you became a killer or you were killed." Taeyong said.

"And I chose the best option. I saved you."

Doyoung looked away from him, "You saved me and bought me a life where I will suffer with guilt. This is not a life I want. How can I ever make amends with myself!?"

Taeyong remained silent, causing Doyoung to weep even more. The Asura set them up both, using their love as a catalyst to combine them into this madness.

Taeyong was a part of their trap and Doyoung fell into it.

People are going to die in just 20 days and no one can save them. A remedy cannot be made in just 19 days, it's impossible.

"What now? What do we do? What did you choose?" whispered Doyoung, his voice low and rough. "Tell me Taeyong, the Asura or me?" He asked.

Taeyong hung his head low, "Don't ask me that Doyoung, the Asura is my home. You are my one and only love. How can I choose?"
Doyoung just slumped back.

"Help me kill them, Taeyong." Doyoung asked.


Are yall up for vaccination? Cause many people are reporting adverse effects.

 I want to get vaccinated. Please take this Karen trend away ;-(

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