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Doyoung walked towards the newspaper stand while the crowd bustled down the streets.

Taeyong stood by his side, looking at the TVs displaying the news regarding the Asura.
"Cold blooded murderers! They were finally caught by our expertise police!" Rambled a man on the TV.

After the death of the Council, the police were called by them as they all left. Not knowing who called them and not bothered by it, the media reported that the police were the ones who found the Asura.

Taeyong and the others left the scene and started their lives again.

One thing that they were not taught was guilt, so none of them turned themselves in.

This may disgust you, but it is not possible to be the perfect human after being tainted by the Asura.

Taeil was captured and publicly executed for his role in making the gas. Doyoung was not even mentioned for all those who made the gas with him were already killed by the Neogenesis. This left Doyoung as the only remaining member of the team.

He opened the paper and read the titles about how a pair of young men named Jaemin and Jeno were actively participating in the creation of a new government. He smiled happily at this, at last the two were doing something they liked.

Taeyong, Jungwoo and Lucas joined the peace corps, going around the world as the peace-keeping military force while Doyoung graduated and pursued Radiology, just like Taeil who despite being a murderer, still had some place in Doyoung's heart.

Things changed rapidly for them all. They didn't hide anymore, neither do they kill anyone. They freely mingle with society without any hinderance and smile like all people.

The only thing they hide is their past that they could not leave or abandon. Their past is a piece of themselves and couldn't be thrown away, so they simply are learning to bear it.

"Done reading?" asked Taeyong, looking at Doyoung in anticipation. Doyoung chuckled, "Yes, yes. So eager to meet my friends?" he asked to which Taeyong shrugged his shoulders, "They are my fiancé's friends, I must make a good impression."

"Hmm," Doyoung hummed as he interlocked his hand around Taeyong's, "Good thing they believe that we are just casual guys with nothing to do with the Asura." he said, walking towards the restaurant where they were supposed to meet Kun and Ten at.

"Do we have to live with this facade forever?" Taeyong whispered darkly.

Doyoung just sighed, "We have to, this is our punishment for mingling with the Asura. Be glad that fate has went easy on us."

Taeyong listened to this and said, "Lets promise to never give fate any other chance to punish. Let's live honestly from now on."
Doyoung smiled, "Indeed, lets live happily from now on."

With this being said, they walked off towards his friends together, determined to be happy, to be normal.

The crowd thronged in groups on the Sunday morning as Doyoung, Taeyong, Jungwoo and Lucas walked towards the outskirts of the city.

Near the city end were where most criminals were buried, and that was where their friends were buried.

Jaehyun and Johnny were placed in one grave with Yuta and Sicheng sharing the other. This was done on Doyoung's request, who suggested the Mortuary as a student to do so to reduce the amounts of graves.

The mortuary were glad to do so and pushed the pairs in their respective boxes. Now, they lay together in death at least.

They put flowers on their graves, a contrast to the bubble gum wrappers and mean words strung on their graves.

The public really did hate them.

"We should clean their graves more often." Hummed Jungwoo and he began brushing of the dirt. "True." Said Taeyong, as he sat in front of the graves.

The atmosphere then became silent as they sat in front of the graves. "I miss them." Lucas said abruptly, "Even if they are murderers, I miss them. Even if I don't deserve the position to do so, I miss them."

Doyoung shook his head as Jungwoo put his hand on Lucas, "It doesn't matter what we deserve and what we don't. The only thing that matters is what we can do right now. So cry for them Lucas, let's do whatever we can to honour them, to honour ourselves."

With this, Lucas broke down, tears running through his face, "Thats true." He whispered "I'm glad I have you guys." The other three smiled and said in unsion, "Me too."


It sucks that all of our lives can't be a movie where everyone just accepts us and everything we have done wrong is forgiven.

That can never happen in reality.

( ˇˇ )

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