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Taeyong drove off with a formidable speed, his heart beating and cheeks warming up at an alarming rate. 'Bunny'!? What in the world was he even thinking of?!

He wanted to drive over himself.

He could have said something sensible,
But no. Of course not

He had to go around talking like a pure idiot.  Doyoung probably hates him now.

He shook his head and focused on the road, his thoughts still reveloving around Doyoung. How did Doyoung view him? Was he just a cautious experiment as a first time crush in Doyoung's view?

Hopefully not, because Taeyong viewed him as something more than an experiment. When did this all start, he does not know, but he is sure that these feelings will not go easily.

He kept on thinking about Doyoung until he reached an old motel with a rotting parking space. He parked the van there and got off, heading towards the bus stop a few metres ahead. While walking, he looked down upon the road, feeling like someone was looking at him.

With great focus, he tries to feel or hear any suspicious existence, until a sudden hand falls on his back. He turned around and grabbed the molester by the neck.

His eyes find the face of the molestor and his hand automatically leave the neck, his eyebrows shooting upwards and his voice disappearing.

"Ow, man! Really Taeyong? What is wrong with you?!" Kun massages his neck with Ten looking at Taeyong with narrowed eyes. "Yo Taeyong, you okay man?" Ten asked, his hands on Kun's back.

Taeyong stumbled back, not expecting to see these two people here, "Sorry" he mumbled, "What are you guys doing here?"  Ten looked at Taeyong oddly, "Cmon Taeyong. Didn't you notice the absence of Doyoung. Our friend is missing Taeyong."

Oh. How did Taeyong forget that.

"I see" Taeyong said, his mind racing for a proper excuse, "But I know where Doyoung is, though."

There, he said it. He set up a structure, now he needed to cement it.

The two looked surprised and relieved, "You do!? Where is he?" They asked, to which Taeyong calmly replied, "He got a opportunity at the National Medical Branch. They didn't want to reveal it at first, so he probably didn't get to tell you guys."

Kun screamed out, "That idiot! How could he leave us hanging like this?" Ten rapidly nodded in agreement, "I know! We need to beat him up. Like man, I was shit scared!" Taeyong looked at the two, thinking about how to break the news to Doyoung.

Ten then said, "I'm hungry now, let's go and eat lunch. Taeyong, wanna join us?" Taeyong felt his empty stomach rumble, and then nodded to the grinning pair, overjoyed with the news of a safe Doyoung.

They walked in a cheery mood to a ramen shop and sat down. Taeyong looked at the old interiors as the waiter took their orders. Then they waited.

The awkward silence took over them like a hailstorm. They just sat fiddling with the most usual of objects, forks and chopsticks.
"So yeah, Taeyong, how did you know that Doyoung got an internship at the NMB?" Kun asked curiously, placing the fork in his hand down.

Ah, now Taeyong had to think again.

"You see, he got the call while I was there. That's how I know it, it's not like Doyoung confided it to me personally or something."
The other two boys nodded, taking in the info, their egos calming down.

As Doyoung's friends, they felt that they should know about the internship first.

The food then arrived in steaming pots and bowls and was laid down in front of them. All three reached out and began to eat in silence, but this time, it was quiet comfortable. Completing their meals in a relish, they decided it was time for them to leave.

"Oh yeah, Give us Doyoung's address" Kun asked, pushing the now empty bowls away from him. Taeyong just shook his head, "Not everyone is allowed in the NMB Kun. Just wait till Doyoung comes for you guys or something. The NMB is very secretive."

The two oohed in agreement. Getting up, they bid their goodbyes and left, leaving Taeyong alone with his thoughts.

Taeyong thought about how Doyoung's going to react and on how he might handle them. With his impeccable lying skills, he felt like Doyoung will have no problem convincing them easily.

A realisation then struck Taeyong, a painful and frightening one.

Now, Doyoung stepped into the game with the Asura. He was a chess piece waiting to be played by the council, facing the dangers of a criminal life.

Now, the Asura has swallowed him whole.


My excuses are pathetic, I know.

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