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"So, Doyoung, how was work?" Taeyong asked, sitting down on the chair in front of Doyoung. "Any details on the gas?"

Doyoung sighed, "It's a cruel gas Taeyong. I couldn't believe it's existence, nor could I believe it's effects. It's a torturing system for now, I feel like I'm working in a butcher house."

Taeyong looked at him in sympathy, "I know it's harsh, Doyoung. But hold yourself together, we need to stay in this place."
Doyoung was desperate, "But why?! Why must we help to create this gas? We want to save the suffering people, not put them up as bait!"

"We're not doing that Doyoung." Taeil walked in with the charming redhead, Yuta. Taeyong looked up and greeted the two, moving aside to let the two sit.

Yuta smiled at Doyoung, his eyes calming and knowing, "I know, Doyoung. I know what you saw was cruel and disturbing and that you don't want to continue. But listen to our complete plan first." He gestured at Taeil to continue.

"Doyoung, the reason we are posing as scientists is to not produce the gas they desire, but to alter the gas in such a way, that it will be perceived as safe yet still have its evil effects."

"Huh?" Doyoung asked.

"Once the gas is safe, the world leaders will come together and bathe in it." Taeil said, smirking, "But imagine what happens if the gas actually isn't safe?"

Doyoung analysed the new information, all the conundrums solving themselves into neat places.  If the gas is not safe and put on the creators who believe it to be safe, all of them will die.

Just like the ones they experimented on.

Only this time, they will willingly step into the torture system they created, not dragged by an external force. They will meet the same fate they forced upon the unnoticed ones.

"How will we do that?" Doyoung asked.

Taeil smiled, "With our brains, ofcourse. C'mon Dr Kim, it's time to alter the gas so that it's affects are delayed sharply. Any suggestions on how to do that?"

Oh, so that was the plan.

Till now, Doyoung saw everything in a 2 dimensional view. It was only the pros and cons.

But now, he saw reality through a completely different scope. The parallel lines of actuality folded together in a paradox to create an event that would be a surprise to everyone in future.

Doyoung chuckled, "Suggestion coming soon Dr Moon. Just a few days."

Yuta smiled as Taeil laughed with Taeyong chuckling heartily.

Oh, this atmosphere was so beautiful. Their plan was going to be perfect, untainted and so so marvellous. The Asura was going to do well.


Yuta and Taeil went up first, leaving the other two in the kitchen hall.

"He was doubting first, but now I don't think so." Taeil said happily, looking at Yuta who was smiling.

"True. He will not doubt us after seeing the cruelty of the NMB. His choice is now layered in concrete. Unbreakable and fixed." Yuta said, opening the door of the Council Room.

In it, were Johnny and Jaehyun, sitting over papers and talking quickly about something Taeil didn't know. When the door opened, they looked up with sharp eyes, which later softened upon the sight of Yuta.

"Yuta, how was it with Doyoung?" Johnny asked, looking at Taeil as well.
"It went good, John." Yuta said, "He no longer doubts us. We explained the plan to him, so he understands completely now. "

Taeil pursed his lips, "Why didn't we tell him before, Yuta? He wouldn't have doubted us at all then."

Yuta just shook his head, "My dear Taeil, if we didn't show him the cruel effects first, he would not be ready to harm the scientists and the ones backing the gas creation. He would have wanted to save them as well and will not agree with us. We can't tolerate disloyal ones here."

"Oh" Taeil replied, feeling a bit dumb.

Jaehyun chuckled, "Don't look so down, Moon. We still need you for the gas modification. Without you, we will be in pieces."

There came the sweet words that binded Taeil into this organisation. The council as a whole  made them him feel important and wanted. They were kind, non-judgemental and always so supportive.

It made Taeil to want to be even more loyal to them.

Taeil smiled, "Of course, Council. Leave this to me, I will make the gas just the way you want it to be.
I will produce the exact outcome you desire."

The other three smiled, their eyes gentle and calming. "Thank you Taeil" Johnny said, "We trust you, and you give us enough reason to always do so."


I feel like I'm getting more and more aggressive in my political views.


What's faster than a calculator?
AnS, a calcunow

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