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The night went in a flash for Doyoung.

One minute they were all conversing happily while eating chicken and then the next minute, he woke up with the Sun shining brightly.

"Oof...." he groaned as he got up, "I don't remember coming into my room." He pushed the blanket aside and went to washroom to freshen up.

After a long few minutes, he came out with his teeth brushed and hair combed. He was humming slowly when he saw a dark figure at the corner of the room.

"AAH!" He screamed, scrambling for the cloth hanger on the nightstand. He was about the whack the life out of the intruder when he realised that the eyes of the intruder were too familiar.

"DOYOUNG CALM DOWN!" Taeyong said, fearing the hanger in the other's hand, "It's me, Taeyong!" He exclaimed holding onto a tray with a plate of pancakes.

Doyoung chuckled nervously upon realising that it was just his crush, I mean, Taeyong. "Oh, sorry hyung." He said smiling awkwardly.
"Is that for me?"

"Oh yeah, I made it for you." He handed the plate to Doyoung, "Yestersay night I bought you up actually. You passed out after 3am."

Doyoung blushed, did Taeyong carry him up?
Oh wow, now he felt like he was in a Disney movie.

"Sorry for that." Doyoung said, "I must have been heavy." Taeyong just brushed it aside, "Don't be ridiculous. You're as light as a feather. Also, I always wanted to carry you." He added nonchalantly.

Wait, what?

Both Taeyong and Doyoung gasped loudly, one in embarrassment and the other in realisation.
"Really hyung? That's-"
"Oh wait what am I saying-"
They both spoke out at the same time.

The awkwardness settled in, both looking like idiots. "That's actually nice, hyung." Doyoung said, to a startled Taeyong. "I'm glad you think like that." He continued with his confidence. "I'm really glad."

"Oh." said Taeyong, "that's nice. But why are you glad though?" He asked, visibly confused.
Doyoung cursed at Taeyong's

If it was anyone else, they would clearly understand that he just confessed here.

"Well, hyung, why don't you try to find it out on your own." Doyoung said, sitting down "Now let me eat that." He grabbed the plate and began eating.

"Ok..?" Taeyong said, "I'll leave you here then. Come down as soon as you finish it." He said closing the door. He walked down the stairs scratching his head.

Taeil, sitting at the table, looked at Taeyong with a small pout, "Oy, TY! Why are you looking like that?" Taeyong just shrugged his shoulders, "Doyoung confuses me, hyung."

The minute Taeil heard the word 'Doyoung', he jumped up immediately and puffed his chest, "Aha! My poor child! You are in love perils, huh?" He said, with a distressed face, "Do not fret anymore, darling. Taeil hyung will help the two thick skulled ones fall in love."

"Did you just call me thick skulled, hyung?" Taeyong asked. At this, Taeil smiled, "So you agree that you like Doyoung, huh? Cause you only complained about being called thick skulled? Alrightie then."

Taeyong went beet red, "Wha...I-" He stuttered. "Hush hush." Taeil patted his head, "You've exposed yourself already. No need to lie to me. Now tell me, why does he confuse you?"

Taeyong nodded, "Oh, he said he likes to be carried by me."
Taeil looked at him, "He said that he liked to be- WAIT WHAT?!" He screeched as Taeyong winced. "Seriously hyung, don't scream like that."

Taeil looked furious, "You blithering fool! The man just confessed and you say he confuses you?! Lee I-am-a-idiot Taeyong! Are you an idiot?" Taeil smiled.

"HE CONFESSED?How?!" Taeyong asked, not able to comprehend.
"He said he likes to be carried by you. What does that imply? That he is a lazy scoundrel?"

"No" Taeyong said, "But what does it imply?"

"IT MEANS HE LIKES YOU DUMB SHIT!" Taeil screamed, grabbing Taeyong by the collar. He climbed upstairs with vigorous speed and threw Taeyong into Doyoung's room. "NOW SPEAK!" He said, before slamming the door.

Doyoung looked surprised with his mouth full. The man was eating a lot due to tiredness.
So please don't mock him.

Doyoung gulped his food down and wiped his mouth. "AHH- hyung." He said with his mouth full, "What is it hyung?"

Taeyong fidgeted, sweat pouring down his forehead. His hands were cold and his breaths were uneven. It felt like he was the fool in a horror film, ready to be the first victim.

" see Doyoung...Taeil hyung said that you just confessed to me. Is it....perhaps true?"

Doyoung eyes went wide and his mouth formed a panicked smile.

He was going to kill himself.


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