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"What makes you think I'm like Taeyong? I do not betray the council." Taeil said, displaying his shiny teeth in a bright grin.

Pressing his neck harder, Sicheng repeated, "Where is the passage?" Taeil remained silent.

Doyoung knew there was no point in pressurising Taeil and began looking for the passage on his own. He rambled around when he remembered the second door that was locked.

He remembered the key Taeil pulled from his necklace to open one of the door and said, "Sicheng, on his neck there is a key, pull it out."

Sicheng nodded and pulled out the necklace, the tiny key dangling like a crystal. He threw it to Doyoung who pushed it in the lock hole of the second door, smirking at the stairs behind it.

"Found it, baby. Cmon guys, tie that bastard and we leave." Doyoung gestured towards the stairs. Sicheng tied Taeil's hands and legs and necked him towards the corner. Then they all went up the stairs.

Racing through, Taeyong said only one thing, "Your revenge is behind the door these stairs will lead us to. Be ready."

They reached a door and banged it open to see the three faces that ruined their lives. The faces of Asura, the demon that made them social outcasts.

Jaehyun looked pleasantly amused while Johnny smiled, holding Jaehyun's hand. Yuta simply smiled at them all, as though beckoning them in.

"You want to kill us don't you?" Johnny asked directly. "It's fine, do it. I don't mind it."
Jungwoo raised his eyebrow, "You don't mind dying hyung? That sound like a lie to me. You were the one who once told me that wanting to live is the biggest asset to a man."

Johnny laughed, "I still believe that, dear Jungwoo. But the point here is that I already completed my life goal. I've used up all my assets for my dream." He leaned back in his chair.

"Our dream was to kill this existing rule, and we did it. Even if it's by ruining a thousand lives." Jaehyun smiled at him, "Our dream is now closed, it's time for yours."

Jaemin felt his eyes brimming, "Don't you feel even a bit of regret hyung? I thought of you as my brother, my family. But you just used me, turned me into a killing machine."

Jeno sniffled, "For you, I did everything. But you simply cast us aside, like rags. You ask us to kill you knowing that we have grown to love you. Is this any bit fare?"

Lucas joined, "Why did you make us like this? I don't even know of a solution apart from killing. Even now, the only answer I know is killing. Why did you make me a monster?"

"We have to kill you hyung, give us that much love at least." Jungwoo said, refusing to look at the faces he once used to care for.

Doyoung felt weak in the knees.

He couldn't help but pity these souls that were so desperate for love. The conditions they were brought up in were so cruel that they didn't even experience true sweet love.

To love a demon was a curse in itself. Demons never win, they always die. Pulling you heart apart when they take their last breath.

Curse this rigged game they were dragged into, this rigged position they were put into.

Taeyong said heavily "Give us the permission to seek our revenge, please." Doyoung felt himself almost cry, but he didn't for the sake of the others.

Yuta looked at them with soft eyes, "Never consider yourselves worthless. You were always important to us. We trusted you with our dreams, so don't say that you were not important."

"Maybe, in this life, we couldn't give you the love of a family, but remember, we have always loved you like our sons, we just failed to show it." Yuta said, reaching out for Taeyong and ruffling his hair.

"What more could I ask for than to be killed by you all? The world will eventually find us and slaughter us, for this is the natural outcome."
Jaehyun said, "To die in the end, was what we always accepted."

He then looked at them all, "Don't you remember the story? In the end, the Asuras are not immortal. They all are subjects to death."

Lucas nodded, "Thank you, hyung. Probably in the next life, we can smile without any pain." He smiled at Johnny and pulled out a knife, positioning it at his neck. "Good bye, hyung."

With that a single slash went across Johnny's neck. Jaemin did the same to Jaehyun and fell to his knees, weeping at Jaehyun's feet.

Yuta looked at Taeyong, "Come boy, I must join my friends quickly, I do not want to remorse over their death." Taeyong nodded and went ahead when Sicheng spoke out.

"Let me join you, Yuta." He said. Yuta looked at him laughed, "No boy, not you. You have to live. Don't join me." Sicheng shook his head, "I can't live without you anyway, so let me have this one favour. Do this to prove you really love me."

Yuta remained silent and closed his eyes. A single tear ran across his face as he gestured for Sicheng to come towards him. "Very well, my love. I will let you join me."

This was the first time they saw Yuta cry.

Sicheng smiled as he walked towards Yuta and hugged him.

"I love you Yuta." He said before stabbing him in the back. Yuta smiled as the life ran out of him, just like his friends and his lover, who now lay on the floor, his life taken by his own hands.


Just two more chapters with the aftermath and epilogue!

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