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Lucas stood nervously at the alter, his knees shaking as Taeyong held him from the back, "Calm down, you brute. Jungwoo is not going to bail on you or something." He hissed.

"I know..but I can't help but feel nervous." He mumbled as Taeyong rolled his eyes. He really couldn't understand why his friend was so nervous.

The door then flew open to reveal Jungwoo in a pale white suit, smiling brightly while being lead by Doyoung.

Lucas stared at Jungwoo and started smiling like a goof. Jeno and Jaemin were the only other audience as they clapped and screamed as Jungwoo climbed up the alter.

The two stared at each other like they had met after a whole decade. Lucas started laughing and crying abruptly in a surprise. Jungwoo tried to pacify him all along as the priest looked at the two in disinterest.

Taeyong chuckled nervously and whispered to the priest, "Please don't mind him, he's kinda crack." He said as the priest nodded.
The priest then said, "Please say your vows."

Lucas nodded and looked at Jungwoo, "Jungwoo," he began nervously, "You have always been by my side in everything. You were my constant strength and support. Without you, I'll be nowhere, so please stay with me, I promise to love you forever."

Jungwoo smiled and said, "You have helped me remain sane at the most treacherous moments. My pains were yours and you helped me carry them. I cannot be sane without you, so please stay by my side."

Jaemin hooted at the cringeyness while Taeyong guffawed at their vows. He was however silenced immediately by Doyoung's sharp glare.

The priest then asked, "Do you, Wong Lucas, take Kim Jungwoo as your lawfully wedded partner?"
Lucas smiled, "I do."
"Do you, Kim Jungwoo, take Wong Lucas as your lawfully wedded partner?"
Jungwoo beamed, "I do."

"Well, you both are now married under God's light and you may kiss each other." Saying this, the priest left the alter to eat the cupcakes at the corner table.

All of them cheered as Lucas pulled Jungwoo in for a kiss, both giggling like buffoons. "WOoHOo!" Screeched Jaemin as Doyoung laughed hugging Taeyong.

Taeyong leaned into Doyoung's ear and said, "One day, that will be us." Doyoung smiled, "Indeed."

"We are finally happy." Doyoung beamed as Taeyong nodded, "Finally."



I sincerely thank all those who have read my book. ASURA had now come to end and it's quiet surprising cause I never thought that this book would even reach a 200 reads.

It's kind of funny how this book started as a Kunwin ff but ended up as dotae

This was the quote that inspired the story-

  "Evil is the property of the devil.
      And like the devil himself, it too, is subject to death."

I think I'll be writing more books now thanks to the amazing response this book got.

Once again, SM IS TRASH.

Forever grateful for your constant support,
Thanking you,

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